Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Ray of Sunshine or Just a Dumb Blonde?

The story of my life is proving to people how not dumb I am (yes I realize that is not the most well written sentence).  I mean why does every moment of your life have to be so serious.  Can't a person just be cheerful and happy and live in their own little bubble?  I don't feel the need to tell people what my IQ is (does anyone even know their IQ anymore?).  Yeah, sometimes is it easier just to play a role than be 100% accountable for something? Probably.  So I thought to myself, if I get so offended then maybe I should portray myself in a different light.
Here are some of the steps I took:

1.  My voice is naturally high pitched (I promise it oddly sounds 10x deeper when I hear myself talk).  So I decided to begin speaking in a deeper voice.  This required much effort, because who the hell talks in a voice that isn't their natural one on a full time basis?  Anyway, I have to say my little strategy worked because everything I said people would just nod and say how right I was or how intelligent I was.  I still spewed out the same sentences, but with a different tone people saw me in a whole new light.
Conclusion:  Clearly I can't just talk with a fake tone all day long. It requires tons of effort and I have to admit is a little weird (I mean am I trying to develop a multiple personality disorder?) However, I did learn that when I'm in a business setting or making a presentation, the deep voice is the way to go.  And I have to say, the deep voice kind of boosts some confidence in myself.  (And just for the record I have come quite a long way, because in high school during one presentation you were not allowed to say the word like.  And let me tell you, I couldn't even form a sentence without saying it).

2.  Then I thought okay, well if I making myself sound smart, I should acquire some smart person hobbies.  I don't think reading about Britney Spear's latest meltdown or tuning in to Keeping Up with the Kardashians reflected me in a more intelligent light.  So I decided to read East of Eden, oh you know just a light read of 700 pages, I do it all the time.
Conclusion:  Did I end up enjoying the novel? Yes.  Did I feel like I needed to exert my brain that much during my free time?  No.  Next time should I probably pick a shorter book?  Yes.  I learned to balance out my free time, throwing in something educational books once and a while, but realizing it does not have to be all the time.

After a few weeks of these shenanigans and some others I'm too embarrassed to mention (let's just say they involved wearing glasses, something about the stock market, and exposing myself in sneakers during a non-workout setting) one day I just looked around and said, Where am I?  and Why am I here?  I realized everything I was doing was just not me.  I enjoy brightening people's day with a smile.  I enjoy looking at puppies and thinking of sunshine.  I enjoy reading books with happy endings.  And then I thought if people roll their eyes at me insinuating how aloof appear, I could just insinuate how badly dressed they appear (you're wearing plaid for the 3rd day in a row?  Are we on a farm and do you own a horse?).  I am who I am, and I shouldn't acquire a different personality for different people.
Tip of the day:  Always be true to yourself, but know there's a time and place to expose different parts of yourself.  And don't judge someone else for being themselves, because if you don't accept people for who they are, you'll have no one (even if they're guilty of wearing plaid 3 days in a row).

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