Thursday, April 7, 2011

Guys and Girls Live On the Same Planet in Two Different Worlds

I've come to the conclusion, that despite being unintentional (aside from the pink background, flowers, advice on how to be fabulous, and of course the title) this blog is not exactly man friendly.  Why?  Because I stick to what I know, and I know NOTHING about men.  It's really not even that I know nothing about them, I kind of do, but I just don't get them.  It wasn't until a few months ago I learned that men don't own blow dryers.  Isn't it a rule of society to own a blow dryer?  Even if you're bald?  I also learned that men do not watch the Bravo channel or the E! Network, umm I'm sorry but doesn't everyone tune in to the Real Housewives franchise?  I was watching ESPN one night (pretty sure it will be my only night) with a group of men, and I was shocked by the commercials.  I mean commercials for lawnmowers, sneakers, and protein shakes?  I mean I knew the stuff existed but I didn't know they actually had commercials.  Wasn't everyone sitting through laundry detergent commercials with the cute little teddy bear?  Who wants to watch a commercial about cutting grass?  And does anyone even like the color green?  Can't we just vote to have pink, purple, and yellow be the only colors in the crayon box?
I very much live in my own little world, that world being a girl's world.  I casually asked my two guy friends what they were going to wear out to a party that night, where they gave me a clueless expression, rambling, "Um what I'm wearing right now?"  as if I was asking them a trick question.  I'm sorry but men don't plan out their outfits days in advance?  Now my whole outlook on life has turned upside down.  I realized if I was going to get anywhere in life, a.k.a. live amongst male creatures, I'd have to do a little research and maybe make a few changes.
So I went on and asked, is being too girly annoying?  The general consensus was, it's not annoying, it's being yourself, and there's nothing wrong with being yourself, but I guess what I didn't understand until now is, just as I don't understand guys, guys don't understand us.  I didn't realize that a guy would have no idea what I was talking about when I referred to Chloe, Brit, and Daisy (perfumes not people).
So I thought okay, maybe I should tone the feminineness down a little.  What's the most manly thing about myself?  I eat ribs.  Yep that's pretty much the only manly thing about me.  Am I supposed to just have a conversation with a guy for an hour about how I enjoy eating meat off a bone like a barbarian? I can't even say I use normal pens and pencils, mine all have flowers on them (not kidding).  And I think the world would be a much happier place if the color Green just did not exist and if everyone was required to keep flowers in their home.  Do I watch soccer just to look at David Beckham? Yep.  Did I see Inception just to look at Leonardo DiCaprio?  Yep.  Do I think bugs, dirt, and blood is repulsive?  Yes I do.
If a girl understands the race of men, then its safe to assume she's a tomboy, which I don't quite get either, but that's another story.  If  a guy understands girls, then he's considered to be too feminine.
So how did I decide to become more man friendly might you ask?....

I boycotted romantic comedies and starting watching action movies, horror movies, and extremely disturbing movies.  I'm sorry it was just the only thing I could think of that didn't require getting dirty or being grossed out.  Am I still clueless about men?  Yep.  But can I now enjoyably have a conversation with one about Lethal Weapon or Diehard?  Oh yes I can.  Can I watch Mel Gibson dislocate his shoulder and not be horrified?  Yes I can.
Tip of the day:  Do something you wouldn't expect yourself to do.

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