Monday, April 18, 2011

Not Everything Clicks Right Away

Being fabulous is hard to do, so if you don't get it right away, don't feel bad.  Even things don't click for the  super fabulous right away.  Here's some words, phrases, and things that took me quite some time to understand, and made me look quite stupid and not so fabulous.

1. Closure

Just learned this was a word a year and a half ago.  I guess I never really had to experience it until then, I just don't know.  But my friend said well you should go talk about it because you need closure.  I nodded, but inside I was thinking, wait so is this person going to tell me something good or something bad?  Does closure mean you get what you want?  Apparently its just repeating what you're not going to get so I really don't get why this action/word is necessary.

2. Embellish

I used to be awful at telling stories, and by awful I mean my stories didn't even come out as stories, or full sentences.  I pretty much just had to say at the end of it: "that's the end of my story."  And then I learned in order to tell a good and exciting story, you kind of have to embellish a little.  I didn't know embellish was a word until a few years ago.  I didn't realize there was an in between of telling the truth and lying.  Who knew?  Not me.

3. The phrase "You can't have your cake and eat it too."

This one took me quite some time to get.  It wasn't that I never heard the phrase before, oh I heard it multiple times, I just never got it.  I mean wasn't the whole point of cake, eating it?  Why else would you have cake?  If I couldn't eat the cake I wouldn't want the cake.  However I quickly learned the meaning of this phrase after I understood the meaning of the word closure.  Killed two birds with one stone.

4. Moat

Random I know.  But I didn't know what a moat was until I was in high school.  I mean who knew a river in front of a castle had a name or a meaning behind it?  And couldn't attackers swim back that?  Were their dangerous animals in there?  I just don't know.

5. Frown

Didn't know what this meant until middle school.  Frowning shouldn't exist anyway.  People should just smile or have no expression.  I mean let's face it, that red face is an outcast and a total downer.

6. D-bag

Okay this one is a bit inappropriate and was debating whether or not to actually post it, but until last month I seriously didn't know this was an actual thing!  Ew!  And now I'm never using the word again.  I just thought it was a made up phrase.  Do they still exist?  Did everyone else really know what this was?

7. The pronunciation of "Heir"

In high school as I was giving a presentation about some ruler of Florence in during the Renaissance, I spoke the last sentence of, "He died with no hair."  Everyone started laughing and the teacher said, it sounded like you said hair, but I heard "air."  No I didn't say "air", I really did say hair, because I'm sorry  doesn't the word start with an h.  And who even uses the word heir anyway.  It was embarrassing but also mind blowing.

8.  New year's "Resolutions."

I was under the impression for quite some time that they were New Years Revolutions.  Revolutionary idea?  Revolutionary change in your life?  It makes sense....Maybe.

9. Stink vs. Sneak.

In 5th grade, I wrote a note saying "You Sneak!"  I thought stink was spelt sneak.  I can't even justify that one.  I also didn't realize that "the" and "thee" were basically the same word.  I think I forgot how to spell the word "when" once too.

10. Nalgene

There's a name for those?  Isn't it just a reusable water bottle?

And most recently...

11. DIY a.k.a. Do it yourself

I learned this one a week ago.  I'm sorry did everyone know the meaning of this?  When I see DIY i think dye or die, not do it yourself.  Why does "do it yourself" even need its own abbreviation?  How often is the phrase actually used?

So if you're having trouble being fabulous, it's okay, everyone has their flaws and embarrasses themselves from time to time.  You'll get there eventually, and might just be able to have your cake and eat it too (ha ha ha).

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