Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Balancing the Scale and the Infamous Number 7

"Rate me on a scale of one to ten!"

I'm sorry but has anyone actually been told that they were ever below a 7?  It's the politically correct thing to say.  The game should be called rate me on a scale of 7-12, because calling someone  a 5 or 6 to their face would be considered cruel.  But let's be real, not everyone is a 7.  It's the most overused rating and not so lucky number when it comes to this game.
Personally if I had to rate myself, my honest rating would be a 6.  There I said it- not kidding, not fishing for compliments.  
HOWEVER, if someone else rated me a 6, would I be okay with that? Oh hell to the no!  I'd be extremely offended.  I may feel like a 6, but I definitely fake my way into pretending like I'm an 8 or 9.  That's what being fabulous is all about.  Rather than complaining about what you don't like, you just have to own yourself and pretend you're the best thing out there if you don't believe it....and I don't mean in a Jersey Shore Angelina "I'm HOT!" way, because hunny you're not that hot. 
 I used to get so annoyed when not so 7 status girls rated themselves as a 9.  From my eyes I saw a 5, not a 9.  Someone once rated me a mid-7 a few years ago, but they were like oh its good because you're an actual 7!  So all the other times you told people they were 7's you were lying?  And then I realized beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that beholder being oneself.  No matter how many people could tell me I'm a 10, I'd still always question it, and on the inside I'd still always feel like a 6.  Why is it so important to ask people want they think of you?  It's not going to change the way you see yourself.  If you think you're a 10, then you should be a 10, act like a 10, and don't let anyone feel like you are less than that 10.  I personally think I'm a 6, but me being my fabulous self, I never give anything less than the aura of a 9 (or at least attempt to).
Look at Bill Gates.  On an appearance scale of 1-10, I'd give him a 3.  On a overall awesomeness scale he'd break that scale and get a whopping 35.  Paris Hilton? She'd get an easy 10, but on the personality scale probably about 2.
So the moral of this story is:  throw away the scale and trust your own instincts.  If you think you're a 10, you probably really are because you've been acting like one.  I don't believe I'm a 10, but I sure as hell walk like one (.... and from experience, to my surprise and yours, I've gotten into some pretty exclusive clubs, just throwing that out there...)

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