Tuesday, April 5, 2011

About Me and This Blog, and an Intro to Being Fabulous and Tan

Hello all my fabulous future blog readers,

Recently (.....yesterday), I found myself hitting complete rock bottom (wouldn't be the first time, or the second time). I mean I was at a Britney Spear's level of low, minus the shaved head, baseball bat, and traumatic national VMA performance.  For my own sanity, and any chance of keeping my social life, I needed some type of outlet.  I'm not a talented singer, a painter, musician, athlete, or....well you catch my gist.  I'm just average.   So I figured I'd create this blog, supplying my hand of one tip each day on a guide of how to be more fabulous and tan, even if you have to fake it every now and then.  Some of it is meant to be funny and some of it is meant to be serious, but that's life and I hope at least some of you can relate.   I'm going to try really hard not to make it all about me.  I mean did anyone read Paris Hilton's Confession's of an Heiress?  The whole book was pictures of herself and information about her favorite color and her shoe size.  I mean really?  ....Well unfortunately, I wasn't blessed to be born as Paris Hilton, but I do know how to be fabulous and tan, or at least fake it a little.

So a little about me and the title of this blog before we begin.  My "name" is Leila, well not really it’s actually Jessica as you all know…but since it's a guide to being fabulous why not give myself the fabulous/somewhat exotic name I've always wanted.  I "reside" in the middle of nowhere, Toledo, Ohio.  Not really either, it’s Newark, Delaware which you all also know.  I don't know why Toledo popped into my head.  It seemed dull and random.  I really know nothing about Toledo, and hope that it's actually in Ohio.  I think it is.  All I know is you don't hear about fabulous people vacationing for a weekend in Toledo, unless you live near Ohio, then maybe you do, I don't know.  Anyway enough about Toledo.

I've had my fair share of struggles the past few years.   Struggling through a dull major in college, currently jobless, and solidly single.  But I've also had some successes as well, traveling through Europe for 4 months, an amazing group of friends, financially being supported by my parents, and turning the special age of 21 (enough said on that one).

However though it all, I really started to like myself.  Became somewhat happy with my appearance, somewhat happy with my personality, more than satisfied with my social life, but one thing was missing.  True Love.   Just to make myself clear I am neither socially awkward nor do I look like a troll, as despite some of my struggles I am not a psycho.  Someone actually recently told me the only reason why he went to class was to see me, somewhat flattering if he would've been somewhat hot, but still... he said it and I'm going with it.  I did get rejected from a job at jcrew once, which I'm pretty sure was based on my appearance, and I've since boycotted shopping there (partially because everything I want is over $200), but either way I'm really not that bad looking or weird.  I mean they say that you have to love yourself before someone can love you, and that you'll find someone when you're not looking.  But I mean I loved myself! ...And I've been "not looking"  for 21 years.  Clearly I'm just not good at relationships, well non-relationships, but hey I have become good at being the 3rd wheel.  Sad but true.

Anyway that's a little about me.  Now my guide to being fabulous and tan .  Last year I bought a calendar where each day was supposed to give you a tip on becoming a better you.  All I got out of it was the fact that I really don't care what rare vegetables can do for your immune system or about different areas of your tongue.  Too scientific, too specific.  So I'm creating much simpler, and much more fabulous ways to become a better you each and every day.

My first tip of the day ever:
Some days can just become monotomous.  Take a different route to work or to class.  Walk in the sun with an umbrella.  Walk in the rain without an umbrella.  People will admire your confidence to hold your head high and own your wet self in the rain.  Change up your routine, because you never know who you might meet, what might happen, and how it could make you feel.  Oh and throw on some bronzer, because everyone looks good with a tan.

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