Friday, April 15, 2011

I Don't See You, But Maybe I Do... But Really I Don't

This blog entry is all about the wave and what to do in a waving situation.  Just to clarify I am not referring to the wave done in the nosebleed seats at a baseball stadium.  Why are they called nosebleed seats anyway?    Does anyone's nose actually ever bleed up there?  Ew just talked about blood, I'm grossed out.  Anyway, I'm referring to the wave of hello, acknowledging someone's existence with the friendly smile or raising of the hand...sometimes waving of the entire arm if you're really excited.  Personally I think the wave says a lot about your relationship with someone and about yourself.  Let me elaborate on a few types of waving situations...

1. There's the wave to your good friend.  That involves a smile and a hello and a wave.
2. The wave to an acquaintance which involves a simple hi, maybe a brief smile.
3. The wave to the person you kind of know/had a brief encounter with.  Then you continually see them and your relationship becomes all about waving.  Then one day you forget how you even know each other or why you continue to wave to them.  Is it time to stop waving?  Should I just do it anyway?  What's his name?  How did we meet?  Such a dilemma.
4. There's the "I hate you" person.  Do you acknowledge their existence?  Do you not?  Do you just wave to show you don't care or not wave because you're just so above that, and waving to you would ruin my day more than simply seeing you does.  Do I not make eye contact?  Should I cross the street?
5. The downer.  The person who you excitedly wave to, and they just give you a dull smile.  Like jeez sorry I acknowledged your existence.  I don't know if he deserves another wave in the future.  Or should I just continue to obnoxiously do it in response to their dullness.
6.  The person you're not sure if you know or not, so you give a nice little smile.
And finally...
7.  The person you wish you never met.  Therefore you just keep on walking.

Well if you're anything like me, which I doubt  (you no longer are blessed to have 20/20 vision, have glasses for distance but will not be seen wearing them 24/7, and are freaked out by eyes so refuse to even think about contacts) waving is a bit of a struggle.  Why?  Because I can't really see anyone.  I see people from distances who might be someone I know.  Then they come closer and its like nope not them, and then I'm just left awkwardly staring at them.  One time I thought this one figure walking towards me was this one girl I'm friends with.  Getting ready to wave, the figure came closer, and it turned out to be an old man.  So my dilemma was: Do I start wearing my glasses all day long?  Or do I just continue to stare blankly and extremely confused at someone waving at me, yet it doesn't click who they are until after they've already past by.  Even when people stop and say my name, I'm like who is this person?  Are they  waving at me or the thin air surrounding me?  Then I realize, oh it's my roommate.  Wait, now do I scream out hello after they've already passed me by?  Did they think I was ignoring them?  Don't they know I just can't see.  Given half the time I'm walking outside I've just woken up from 12 hours of sleep or a nap, and I'm half awake, running to wherever I have to go, but still.

Well me being me, I decided there is no friggin way I am walking around with glasses all day long.  So I determined, when in doubt, just wave.  No matter who the person is or what the relationship.  I mean its just a simple wave and hello, it's not going to hurt you.  I've never been offended by someone saying hello, if anything I've been offended by being ignored.

Here are some fabulous waving techniques you may want use:

1. My personal favorite, the counter clockwise full arm wave.  Take your left hand (or I guess right if you're like most of society who are righties).  Bend your elbow, put your left hand to the right side of your face, then swing it around in a counter-clockwise circle.  This wave I save for the important people.

2.  Then there's the Miss America wave.  Should probably only start doing this if you become famous or go on some reality show and get 15 minutes of fame.  I feel like being in the background of a news broadcast qualifies you for this.

3.  The high five wave.  Simple raise of the hand like you're about to high five.  Standard, can be used in most situations.

4.  The simple smile, maybe throw in a hello, to those you don't really know or don't really like.

5.  The "Hi"  which can be given to the random passerby if you're in a really good mood and feeling super fabulous.

As for the person where you're relationship has become completely about waving and you forget who they even are, I'd let that one dwindle.  No one really gets anything out that type of acknowledgment, except confusion.

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