My latest movie choice was Rocky I. I was super excited for this one, however an hour into it, all I could think was how did they make 4 more of these? The action doesn't start happening until the last half hour of the movie. The first hour you just get a glimpse of how he could have been something great but let it all slip away. He never had a prime. He never got anywhere. Finally he gets his chance, and I thought in real life would someone really get away with waiting that long to pick themselves?
When he finally does pick himself he gets the support he always wanted from more people than he thought he would. Moral: You can't get a pat on the back unless you do something worth a congratulations.
I wake up the day before and just think, is it over yet? Do I really have to pick myself up again. Can't I just press a fast forward button. Eventually I'll get there. Eventually. In 10 years it won't matter... In 10 years it won't matter.... Well at this rate, in 10 years I might be somewhere I don't want to be. So maybe I've had more meltdowns than the average person, Maybe I've let myself fall a few too many times, but for some reason I'm still trekking and there is no time like the present to pick yourself back up. People can't think you're fabulous unless you give them a reason to think so.
Tip today, get up, get moving, and get something done. Go all the way this time.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
High Maintenance is a Always No-Go
I have to note that being fabulous does not mean being high maintenance: they are two completely separate things. For one, being fabulous, is well....a fabulous quality to have. Being high maintenance? Quite the opposite- it's un-fabulous, unappealing, and quite annoying to both others and yourself. You don't need 3 hours to get ready to be fabulous. You don't need the most expensive things. And sometimes there are just some factors you can't control.
Yesterday was quite the unusually nice, beautiful, perfect temperature day. So I decide let me make lemons out of lemonade, oh woops its lemonade out of lemons. Okay anyway so I decide to make the best out of a bad situation, which is the fact that I have class, studying, other important obligations that must be adhered to instead of laying out in the sun with a margarita and a magazine. So I decide, okay well I'll go lay on the grass and study outside to get some fresh air.... what a fabulous idea! This plot of grass is about 5 minutes away from my apartment, and let me tell you that was the longest and most unpleasant and un-fabulous 5 minutes of my life (okay clearly not my life, more like my day...maybe week...). Before venturing out, I decide to I carry my books, computer, and to include my recent light read "The Gospel According to Coco Chanel" to add in a little extra glamour, in a nice, little summer bag to match my outfit. Oh great idea, except my books weighed about 15 pounds, my bag and arm were about to break, and I didn't realize until halfway through the walk that there was no point in bringing my laptop or the light read.
Not only was my arm about to break, but I mean aside from it being a nice day, it was HOT! Of course I decide to wear pants so it'll be more comfortable for me to sit on the grass without having to worrying about a possible wardrobe malfunction. So during that 5 minutes I was sweating like a drenched animal, and could not get under a tree fast enough. Finally I find a massive tree, with tons of shade and space to plot my stuff down on. I lay out my blanket and realize wow I'm sitting on top of a pile of dirt, not grass. But whatever I am under shade, sitting on a blanket, it is okay. Then I proceed to take my textbooks out, I begin to lay on my stomach and start reading. Within 30 seconds, my blanket, my books, my bag, my skin, and my hair are covered in pollen. It is now 24 hours later and I think I still have pollen stuck in my hair. And that pollen is definitely not coming out of my textbook. But its either sweat in the sun or sit under a blanket of pollen. I chose the pollen. So I thought okay, I'm not sneezing yet, no wild animal has come to attack me, no one has hit me with their frisbee yet, I can deal with the outdoors. Then as I'm laying on my stomach, I realize just because I'm wearing pants doesn't mean I completely avoided the wardrobe malfunction, because my top was completely opened. So embarrassing. I definitely did not wear the right outfit for laying in the grass, note to self, do not wear a chiffon lace top or do you're hair when entering the wild, and by entering the wild I mean spending 30 minutes outside, on the ground.
Despite the pollen, the heat, the dirt, etc... I'm thinking its so beautiful, don't be a brat, and just relax. Then a spider comes crawling on my notebook, which I hurriedly flutter away. Then a fly lands on my textbook, which I'm pretty sure (and pretty grossly) I killed with my bare hands. Traumatizing much? But when you're outdoors, all normal thoughts of cleanliness and manners cease to exist, and you just want these bugs to get off of you.
So after my 2 rare hours that I spent outdoors (that didn't involve getting a tan) I have to say I kind of enjoyed myself. No I wasn't wearing the perfect outfit, yes I was sitting in dirt, yes I had pollen all over me and may have triggered an allergy attack, yes I had to touch and interact with a few bugs, and no there wasn't a maid to bring me freshly squeezed lemonade and fan me. But I changed up my routine and did something new, and despite the un-so-fabulous conditions I was relaxed and would probably study outside again (EXCEPT I am finding a different tree. Maybe one that sheds flowers instead of pollen, that'd be pretty). And 24 hours later, I am now clean and showered. Some conditions you just can't control, but how you handle them determines your overall happiness. I mean I was alone for most of this time period, but imagine if I was with someone else and I complained the entire time about the heat and the dirt? I would be such a downer! And just because I wasn't with anyone else, doesn't mean my thinking should automatically become more negative because that would just be a downer to myself. I can't help the fact that it was hot, I was sweating, and unfortunately that dirt and bugs do exist and are a necessary part of our planet, but I can help the fact that just because I don't have a servant to set up a lounge chair and umbrella for me with fiji water poured in a wine glass, doesn't mean I still can't enjoy myself under the circumstances.
Tip of the day: Never be or come off as high maintenance. When your appearance and standards start controlling you, you just become a negative and never-fully happy person.
Yesterday was quite the unusually nice, beautiful, perfect temperature day. So I decide let me make lemons out of lemonade, oh woops its lemonade out of lemons. Okay anyway so I decide to make the best out of a bad situation, which is the fact that I have class, studying, other important obligations that must be adhered to instead of laying out in the sun with a margarita and a magazine. So I decide, okay well I'll go lay on the grass and study outside to get some fresh air.... what a fabulous idea! This plot of grass is about 5 minutes away from my apartment, and let me tell you that was the longest and most unpleasant and un-fabulous 5 minutes of my life (okay clearly not my life, more like my day...maybe week...). Before venturing out, I decide to I carry my books, computer, and to include my recent light read "The Gospel According to Coco Chanel" to add in a little extra glamour, in a nice, little summer bag to match my outfit. Oh great idea, except my books weighed about 15 pounds, my bag and arm were about to break, and I didn't realize until halfway through the walk that there was no point in bringing my laptop or the light read.
Not only was my arm about to break, but I mean aside from it being a nice day, it was HOT! Of course I decide to wear pants so it'll be more comfortable for me to sit on the grass without having to worrying about a possible wardrobe malfunction. So during that 5 minutes I was sweating like a drenched animal, and could not get under a tree fast enough. Finally I find a massive tree, with tons of shade and space to plot my stuff down on. I lay out my blanket and realize wow I'm sitting on top of a pile of dirt, not grass. But whatever I am under shade, sitting on a blanket, it is okay. Then I proceed to take my textbooks out, I begin to lay on my stomach and start reading. Within 30 seconds, my blanket, my books, my bag, my skin, and my hair are covered in pollen. It is now 24 hours later and I think I still have pollen stuck in my hair. And that pollen is definitely not coming out of my textbook. But its either sweat in the sun or sit under a blanket of pollen. I chose the pollen. So I thought okay, I'm not sneezing yet, no wild animal has come to attack me, no one has hit me with their frisbee yet, I can deal with the outdoors. Then as I'm laying on my stomach, I realize just because I'm wearing pants doesn't mean I completely avoided the wardrobe malfunction, because my top was completely opened. So embarrassing. I definitely did not wear the right outfit for laying in the grass, note to self, do not wear a chiffon lace top or do you're hair when entering the wild, and by entering the wild I mean spending 30 minutes outside, on the ground.
Despite the pollen, the heat, the dirt, etc... I'm thinking its so beautiful, don't be a brat, and just relax. Then a spider comes crawling on my notebook, which I hurriedly flutter away. Then a fly lands on my textbook, which I'm pretty sure (and pretty grossly) I killed with my bare hands. Traumatizing much? But when you're outdoors, all normal thoughts of cleanliness and manners cease to exist, and you just want these bugs to get off of you.
So after my 2 rare hours that I spent outdoors (that didn't involve getting a tan) I have to say I kind of enjoyed myself. No I wasn't wearing the perfect outfit, yes I was sitting in dirt, yes I had pollen all over me and may have triggered an allergy attack, yes I had to touch and interact with a few bugs, and no there wasn't a maid to bring me freshly squeezed lemonade and fan me. But I changed up my routine and did something new, and despite the un-so-fabulous conditions I was relaxed and would probably study outside again (EXCEPT I am finding a different tree. Maybe one that sheds flowers instead of pollen, that'd be pretty). And 24 hours later, I am now clean and showered. Some conditions you just can't control, but how you handle them determines your overall happiness. I mean I was alone for most of this time period, but imagine if I was with someone else and I complained the entire time about the heat and the dirt? I would be such a downer! And just because I wasn't with anyone else, doesn't mean my thinking should automatically become more negative because that would just be a downer to myself. I can't help the fact that it was hot, I was sweating, and unfortunately that dirt and bugs do exist and are a necessary part of our planet, but I can help the fact that just because I don't have a servant to set up a lounge chair and umbrella for me with fiji water poured in a wine glass, doesn't mean I still can't enjoy myself under the circumstances.
Tip of the day: Never be or come off as high maintenance. When your appearance and standards start controlling you, you just become a negative and never-fully happy person.
Friday, April 22, 2011
How to Look Good at 8 a.m.
Why some must start their day this early I'll just never understand. 8 a.m. for me is like 5 a.m. for a normal person. 11:00 a.m. is my 8a.m. or maybe 9 a.m. But just because you have to venture out and expose yourself to society at such an unhuman hour, does not mean that you shouldn't be looking fabulous. ACTUALLY, you should be looking extra fabulous to make up for the un-so fabulous time of day. So here is what you do:
1. Have good or blown out hair. You can easily do it the night before and then touch it up in the a.m. Or if you're a die-hard morning showerer, a simple blow dry will not kill you.
2. Makeup is necessary but does not need to be full on. Simple powder, concealer, and blush is all that's needed. Maybe some white eyeliner to open up your eyes.
3. Coffee and Protein. One shot of expresso and a hard boiled egg is all you need
4. Perfume. Completely necessary.
5. Do not, I repeat do not, I repeat again, do not wear a full body sweatsuit. Go for something comfortable but also chic. If you must wear sweatpants, at least wear nice shoes, and a somewhat cute top. If you know you're not going to follow this step, if nothing else, please throw on a string of pearls, even if it doesn't go with the outfit. It'll distract people from the sadness of your attire.
1. Have good or blown out hair. You can easily do it the night before and then touch it up in the a.m. Or if you're a die-hard morning showerer, a simple blow dry will not kill you.
2. Makeup is necessary but does not need to be full on. Simple powder, concealer, and blush is all that's needed. Maybe some white eyeliner to open up your eyes.
3. Coffee and Protein. One shot of expresso and a hard boiled egg is all you need
4. Perfume. Completely necessary.
5. Do not, I repeat do not, I repeat again, do not wear a full body sweatsuit. Go for something comfortable but also chic. If you must wear sweatpants, at least wear nice shoes, and a somewhat cute top. If you know you're not going to follow this step, if nothing else, please throw on a string of pearls, even if it doesn't go with the outfit. It'll distract people from the sadness of your attire.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Not Everything Clicks Right Away
Being fabulous is hard to do, so if you don't get it right away, don't feel bad. Even things don't click for the super fabulous right away. Here's some words, phrases, and things that took me quite some time to understand, and made me look quite stupid and not so fabulous.
1. Closure

Just learned this was a word a year and a half ago. I guess I never really had to experience it until then, I just don't know. But my friend said well you should go talk about it because you need closure. I nodded, but inside I was thinking, wait so is this person going to tell me something good or something bad? Does closure mean you get what you want? Apparently its just repeating what you're not going to get so I really don't get why this action/word is necessary.
2. Embellish

I used to be awful at telling stories, and by awful I mean my stories didn't even come out as stories, or full sentences. I pretty much just had to say at the end of it: "that's the end of my story." And then I learned in order to tell a good and exciting story, you kind of have to embellish a little. I didn't know embellish was a word until a few years ago. I didn't realize there was an in between of telling the truth and lying. Who knew? Not me.
3. The phrase "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
4. Moat

Random I know. But I didn't know what a moat was until I was in high school. I mean who knew a river in front of a castle had a name or a meaning behind it? And couldn't attackers swim back that? Were their dangerous animals in there? I just don't know.
5. Frown

Didn't know what this meant until middle school. Frowning shouldn't exist anyway. People should just smile or have no expression. I mean let's face it, that red face is an outcast and a total downer.
6. D-bag

Okay this one is a bit inappropriate and was debating whether or not to actually post it, but until last month I seriously didn't know this was an actual thing! Ew! And now I'm never using the word again. I just thought it was a made up phrase. Do they still exist? Did everyone else really know what this was?
7. The pronunciation of "Heir"

In high school as I was giving a presentation about some ruler of Florence in during the Renaissance, I spoke the last sentence of, "He died with no hair." Everyone started laughing and the teacher said, it sounded like you said hair, but I heard "air." No I didn't say "air", I really did say hair, because I'm sorry doesn't the word start with an h. And who even uses the word heir anyway. It was embarrassing but also mind blowing.
8. New year's "Resolutions."

I was under the impression for quite some time that they were New Years Revolutions. Revolutionary idea? Revolutionary change in your life? It makes sense....Maybe.
9. Stink vs. Sneak.

In 5th grade, I wrote a note saying "You Sneak!" I thought stink was spelt sneak. I can't even justify that one. I also didn't realize that "the" and "thee" were basically the same word. I think I forgot how to spell the word "when" once too.
10. Nalgene

There's a name for those? Isn't it just a reusable water bottle?
And most recently...
11. DIY a.k.a. Do it yourself

I learned this one a week ago. I'm sorry did everyone know the meaning of this? When I see DIY i think dye or die, not do it yourself. Why does "do it yourself" even need its own abbreviation? How often is the phrase actually used?
So if you're having trouble being fabulous, it's okay, everyone has their flaws and embarrasses themselves from time to time. You'll get there eventually, and might just be able to have your cake and eat it too (ha ha ha).
1. Closure
Just learned this was a word a year and a half ago. I guess I never really had to experience it until then, I just don't know. But my friend said well you should go talk about it because you need closure. I nodded, but inside I was thinking, wait so is this person going to tell me something good or something bad? Does closure mean you get what you want? Apparently its just repeating what you're not going to get so I really don't get why this action/word is necessary.
2. Embellish
I used to be awful at telling stories, and by awful I mean my stories didn't even come out as stories, or full sentences. I pretty much just had to say at the end of it: "that's the end of my story." And then I learned in order to tell a good and exciting story, you kind of have to embellish a little. I didn't know embellish was a word until a few years ago. I didn't realize there was an in between of telling the truth and lying. Who knew? Not me.
3. The phrase "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
This one took me quite some time to get. It wasn't that I never heard the phrase before, oh I heard it multiple times, I just never got it. I mean wasn't the whole point of cake, eating it? Why else would you have cake? If I couldn't eat the cake I wouldn't want the cake. However I quickly learned the meaning of this phrase after I understood the meaning of the word closure. Killed two birds with one stone.
4. Moat
Random I know. But I didn't know what a moat was until I was in high school. I mean who knew a river in front of a castle had a name or a meaning behind it? And couldn't attackers swim back that? Were their dangerous animals in there? I just don't know.
5. Frown
Didn't know what this meant until middle school. Frowning shouldn't exist anyway. People should just smile or have no expression. I mean let's face it, that red face is an outcast and a total downer.
6. D-bag
Okay this one is a bit inappropriate and was debating whether or not to actually post it, but until last month I seriously didn't know this was an actual thing! Ew! And now I'm never using the word again. I just thought it was a made up phrase. Do they still exist? Did everyone else really know what this was?
7. The pronunciation of "Heir"

In high school as I was giving a presentation about some ruler of Florence in during the Renaissance, I spoke the last sentence of, "He died with no hair." Everyone started laughing and the teacher said, it sounded like you said hair, but I heard "air." No I didn't say "air", I really did say hair, because I'm sorry doesn't the word start with an h. And who even uses the word heir anyway. It was embarrassing but also mind blowing.
8. New year's "Resolutions."
I was under the impression for quite some time that they were New Years Revolutions. Revolutionary idea? Revolutionary change in your life? It makes sense....Maybe.
9. Stink vs. Sneak.
In 5th grade, I wrote a note saying "You Sneak!" I thought stink was spelt sneak. I can't even justify that one. I also didn't realize that "the" and "thee" were basically the same word. I think I forgot how to spell the word "when" once too.
10. Nalgene
There's a name for those? Isn't it just a reusable water bottle?
And most recently...
11. DIY a.k.a. Do it yourself
I learned this one a week ago. I'm sorry did everyone know the meaning of this? When I see DIY i think dye or die, not do it yourself. Why does "do it yourself" even need its own abbreviation? How often is the phrase actually used?
So if you're having trouble being fabulous, it's okay, everyone has their flaws and embarrasses themselves from time to time. You'll get there eventually, and might just be able to have your cake and eat it too (ha ha ha).
Show Me the Details
Let's face it, appearances matter, whether it be consciously or subconsciously. They matter because you can tell quite a lot about a person from simple details: the types of pens they use, the shoes they wear, their wallet, their shampoo and conditioner brand choices (I am not kidding). And details are something that I just don't forget.
Example A: you see a woman walking down the street. Her hair is done, her makeup is up to par/or not up to par if she isn't into makeup, outfit looks nice, but her nails are chipped. To me that shows she looks like she has it all together but really, she's an internal mess.
Example B: You meet a man who is relatively well-dressed, nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary, doesn't seem to put too much effort into his appearance and them boom you see that he wears nice cologne and uses expensive shampoo and conditioner (do men even need to use shampoo and conditioner? Do they even shower everyday? I just don't know). Shows he cares a lot more about his appearance than you think.
Example C: You see a girl in sweatpants, no makeup, hair in a messy ponytail, wearing amazing amazing shoes. Today was just a busy day, or she just wasn't feeling good, but on a normal daily basis, she has style.
Example D: You see a man, with a beat up cell phone, gross backpack, awful choice in jeans and shirt, and them wait, is that a Louis Vuitton wallet I see? This man knows quality but isn't materialistic and he also knows the value of a dollar (unless the wallet was a gift from a wealthy relative, then it's a bit deceiving)
Example E: You see a super fabulous girl at the library. Wearing glasses, reading the economist, researching on her black laptop about the unemployment rate in Tunisia (a country in Africa, not a hurricane) them wham she whips out a pink folder with a butterfly on it, and a purple pen with cherry blossoms decorating it. Okay this example is clearly myself, but it shows that yes while I am being studious and do actually have a subscription to the economist, I would rather be looking at my purple pen doodling flowers.
Moral of this story: Being fabulous doesn't mean you always have to be on your A-game. Sometimes you just don't feel well, sometimes you just don't care, sometimes you're just taking out the trash, sometimes you just don't see the point of joining the rest of society and getting a better cellphone when yours works perfectly fine, but simple details do show a lot about a person so even if you don't feel like showering or brushing your teeth, at least throw on some perfume/cologne or some better shoes.
Example A: you see a woman walking down the street. Her hair is done, her makeup is up to par/or not up to par if she isn't into makeup, outfit looks nice, but her nails are chipped. To me that shows she looks like she has it all together but really, she's an internal mess.
Example B: You meet a man who is relatively well-dressed, nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary, doesn't seem to put too much effort into his appearance and them boom you see that he wears nice cologne and uses expensive shampoo and conditioner (do men even need to use shampoo and conditioner? Do they even shower everyday? I just don't know). Shows he cares a lot more about his appearance than you think.
Example C: You see a girl in sweatpants, no makeup, hair in a messy ponytail, wearing amazing amazing shoes. Today was just a busy day, or she just wasn't feeling good, but on a normal daily basis, she has style.
Example D: You see a man, with a beat up cell phone, gross backpack, awful choice in jeans and shirt, and them wait, is that a Louis Vuitton wallet I see? This man knows quality but isn't materialistic and he also knows the value of a dollar (unless the wallet was a gift from a wealthy relative, then it's a bit deceiving)
Example E: You see a super fabulous girl at the library. Wearing glasses, reading the economist, researching on her black laptop about the unemployment rate in Tunisia (a country in Africa, not a hurricane) them wham she whips out a pink folder with a butterfly on it, and a purple pen with cherry blossoms decorating it. Okay this example is clearly myself, but it shows that yes while I am being studious and do actually have a subscription to the economist, I would rather be looking at my purple pen doodling flowers.
Moral of this story: Being fabulous doesn't mean you always have to be on your A-game. Sometimes you just don't feel well, sometimes you just don't care, sometimes you're just taking out the trash, sometimes you just don't see the point of joining the rest of society and getting a better cellphone when yours works perfectly fine, but simple details do show a lot about a person so even if you don't feel like showering or brushing your teeth, at least throw on some perfume/cologne or some better shoes.
Friday, April 15, 2011
I Don't See You, But Maybe I Do... But Really I Don't
This blog entry is all about the wave and what to do in a waving situation. Just to clarify I am not referring to the wave done in the nosebleed seats at a baseball stadium. Why are they called nosebleed seats anyway? Does anyone's nose actually ever bleed up there? Ew just talked about blood, I'm grossed out. Anyway, I'm referring to the wave of hello, acknowledging someone's existence with the friendly smile or raising of the hand...sometimes waving of the entire arm if you're really excited. Personally I think the wave says a lot about your relationship with someone and about yourself. Let me elaborate on a few types of waving situations...
1. There's the wave to your good friend. That involves a smile and a hello and a wave.
2. The wave to an acquaintance which involves a simple hi, maybe a brief smile.
3. The wave to the person you kind of know/had a brief encounter with. Then you continually see them and your relationship becomes all about waving. Then one day you forget how you even know each other or why you continue to wave to them. Is it time to stop waving? Should I just do it anyway? What's his name? How did we meet? Such a dilemma.
4. There's the "I hate you" person. Do you acknowledge their existence? Do you not? Do you just wave to show you don't care or not wave because you're just so above that, and waving to you would ruin my day more than simply seeing you does. Do I not make eye contact? Should I cross the street?
5. The downer. The person who you excitedly wave to, and they just give you a dull smile. Like jeez sorry I acknowledged your existence. I don't know if he deserves another wave in the future. Or should I just continue to obnoxiously do it in response to their dullness.
6. The person you're not sure if you know or not, so you give a nice little smile.
And finally...
7. The person you wish you never met. Therefore you just keep on walking.
Well if you're anything like me, which I doubt (you no longer are blessed to have 20/20 vision, have glasses for distance but will not be seen wearing them 24/7, and are freaked out by eyes so refuse to even think about contacts) waving is a bit of a struggle. Why? Because I can't really see anyone. I see people from distances who might be someone I know. Then they come closer and its like nope not them, and then I'm just left awkwardly staring at them. One time I thought this one figure walking towards me was this one girl I'm friends with. Getting ready to wave, the figure came closer, and it turned out to be an old man. So my dilemma was: Do I start wearing my glasses all day long? Or do I just continue to stare blankly and extremely confused at someone waving at me, yet it doesn't click who they are until after they've already past by. Even when people stop and say my name, I'm like who is this person? Are they waving at me or the thin air surrounding me? Then I realize, oh it's my roommate. Wait, now do I scream out hello after they've already passed me by? Did they think I was ignoring them? Don't they know I just can't see. Given half the time I'm walking outside I've just woken up from 12 hours of sleep or a nap, and I'm half awake, running to wherever I have to go, but still.
Well me being me, I decided there is no friggin way I am walking around with glasses all day long. So I determined, when in doubt, just wave. No matter who the person is or what the relationship. I mean its just a simple wave and hello, it's not going to hurt you. I've never been offended by someone saying hello, if anything I've been offended by being ignored.
Here are some fabulous waving techniques you may want use:
1. My personal favorite, the counter clockwise full arm wave. Take your left hand (or I guess right if you're like most of society who are righties). Bend your elbow, put your left hand to the right side of your face, then swing it around in a counter-clockwise circle. This wave I save for the important people.
2. Then there's the Miss America wave. Should probably only start doing this if you become famous or go on some reality show and get 15 minutes of fame. I feel like being in the background of a news broadcast qualifies you for this.
3. The high five wave. Simple raise of the hand like you're about to high five. Standard, can be used in most situations.
4. The simple smile, maybe throw in a hello, to those you don't really know or don't really like.
5. The "Hi" which can be given to the random passerby if you're in a really good mood and feeling super fabulous.
As for the person where you're relationship has become completely about waving and you forget who they even are, I'd let that one dwindle. No one really gets anything out that type of acknowledgment, except confusion.
1. There's the wave to your good friend. That involves a smile and a hello and a wave.
2. The wave to an acquaintance which involves a simple hi, maybe a brief smile.
3. The wave to the person you kind of know/had a brief encounter with. Then you continually see them and your relationship becomes all about waving. Then one day you forget how you even know each other or why you continue to wave to them. Is it time to stop waving? Should I just do it anyway? What's his name? How did we meet? Such a dilemma.
4. There's the "I hate you" person. Do you acknowledge their existence? Do you not? Do you just wave to show you don't care or not wave because you're just so above that, and waving to you would ruin my day more than simply seeing you does. Do I not make eye contact? Should I cross the street?
5. The downer. The person who you excitedly wave to, and they just give you a dull smile. Like jeez sorry I acknowledged your existence. I don't know if he deserves another wave in the future. Or should I just continue to obnoxiously do it in response to their dullness.
6. The person you're not sure if you know or not, so you give a nice little smile.
And finally...
7. The person you wish you never met. Therefore you just keep on walking.
Well if you're anything like me, which I doubt (you no longer are blessed to have 20/20 vision, have glasses for distance but will not be seen wearing them 24/7, and are freaked out by eyes so refuse to even think about contacts) waving is a bit of a struggle. Why? Because I can't really see anyone. I see people from distances who might be someone I know. Then they come closer and its like nope not them, and then I'm just left awkwardly staring at them. One time I thought this one figure walking towards me was this one girl I'm friends with. Getting ready to wave, the figure came closer, and it turned out to be an old man. So my dilemma was: Do I start wearing my glasses all day long? Or do I just continue to stare blankly and extremely confused at someone waving at me, yet it doesn't click who they are until after they've already past by. Even when people stop and say my name, I'm like who is this person? Are they waving at me or the thin air surrounding me? Then I realize, oh it's my roommate. Wait, now do I scream out hello after they've already passed me by? Did they think I was ignoring them? Don't they know I just can't see. Given half the time I'm walking outside I've just woken up from 12 hours of sleep or a nap, and I'm half awake, running to wherever I have to go, but still.
Well me being me, I decided there is no friggin way I am walking around with glasses all day long. So I determined, when in doubt, just wave. No matter who the person is or what the relationship. I mean its just a simple wave and hello, it's not going to hurt you. I've never been offended by someone saying hello, if anything I've been offended by being ignored.
Here are some fabulous waving techniques you may want use:
1. My personal favorite, the counter clockwise full arm wave. Take your left hand (or I guess right if you're like most of society who are righties). Bend your elbow, put your left hand to the right side of your face, then swing it around in a counter-clockwise circle. This wave I save for the important people.
2. Then there's the Miss America wave. Should probably only start doing this if you become famous or go on some reality show and get 15 minutes of fame. I feel like being in the background of a news broadcast qualifies you for this.
3. The high five wave. Simple raise of the hand like you're about to high five. Standard, can be used in most situations.
4. The simple smile, maybe throw in a hello, to those you don't really know or don't really like.
5. The "Hi" which can be given to the random passerby if you're in a really good mood and feeling super fabulous.
As for the person where you're relationship has become completely about waving and you forget who they even are, I'd let that one dwindle. No one really gets anything out that type of acknowledgment, except confusion.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Guilty Pleasures Make the Day Go By and Give You Some Personality
Without the occasional guilty pleasure, what would life be? You're more fabulous with little odd quirks in you. So if you don't have a guilty pleasure: get one... or better yet get more. They are great conversation starters, and personally what keep me going through the day. Here are examples of some of mine:
1. Daily

I mean come on. Look at those little cuties. No matter how bad your day is going, puppies will never cease to make you smile (unless you're a cat person). They're just so innocent and happy. And they are total babe magnets. Although I have to say the last little guy might want to look into a nose job.
2. Olive Garden

Okay I really have no idea where this guilty pleasure comes from. I mean I'm Italian, I eat real Italian food. I go to nice restaurants, I don't normally eat at chains. Something about Olive Garden is just so homey. One evening, halfway through my two hour wait for a table (why people wait that long for fake Italian food I just don't know), a server came up with a basket and asked, "Would you like a complimentary breadstick while you're waiting?" Part of me seriously wanted to start laughing, I mean it was as if I was at the Ritz Carlton and they were offering me a glass of champagne while I was waiting. I mean its Olive Garden, it's like an upscale McDonalds. But I have to say an even bigger part of me answered, "Absolutely! How nice of you!" When I start having a desire to eat at a Red Lobster, I'll start being concerned, but Olive garden is just such an experience. Even though their food is frozen and their desserts require assembly if you ask for them to go (they seriously do) Olive Garden just does it for me.
3. Tanning

Why is it that even when I know I look like the above, I just can't stop. Yes I glow in the street, my teeth become reflective, and that I don't live on an island, but the experience is just so relaxing. And who wants to be pasty?
4. Jersey Shore

Aside from enjoying the actual content of the show, these people also manage to remind me why I should abort the previously stated guilty pleasure of tanning, and why I should never wear Ed Hardy. And that sunglasses at night are socially acceptable to wear if you think you look like crap.
5. Animated films

The above are just a few of the Rated-G movies I've seen recently. Yes, I'm way above the age of 10, but look at that little easter bunny? Cutest movie ever. I need to find a little kid to see these things with, then maybe it'll be a bit more socially acceptable.
6. Maps.

I own a globe, 3 different Atlases, used to have a map of the United States, and have a large (and very fabulous) cities of the world book. Oh and in my spare time, I play with maps on And I can name all of the state capitals, along with many of the providences in Canada, and every country in the world. It's not the coolest hobby, but it's a fabulous guilty pleasure.
7. Baby Back Ribs.

They messy. They're manly. They're barbaric. But they are amazing.
Moral of this story: I know many people who like none of the above guilty pleasures and would actually rather have a root canal than spend their time doing any of these (okay maybe not an actual root canal). However, these are the things that keep me going throughout the day. Everyone has their little quirks that they get excited about, or at least they should. So embrace a guilty pleasure. It'll give you a bit more personality and will definitely make your day more fabulous.
1. Daily
I mean come on. Look at those little cuties. No matter how bad your day is going, puppies will never cease to make you smile (unless you're a cat person). They're just so innocent and happy. And they are total babe magnets. Although I have to say the last little guy might want to look into a nose job.
2. Olive Garden
Okay I really have no idea where this guilty pleasure comes from. I mean I'm Italian, I eat real Italian food. I go to nice restaurants, I don't normally eat at chains. Something about Olive Garden is just so homey. One evening, halfway through my two hour wait for a table (why people wait that long for fake Italian food I just don't know), a server came up with a basket and asked, "Would you like a complimentary breadstick while you're waiting?" Part of me seriously wanted to start laughing, I mean it was as if I was at the Ritz Carlton and they were offering me a glass of champagne while I was waiting. I mean its Olive Garden, it's like an upscale McDonalds. But I have to say an even bigger part of me answered, "Absolutely! How nice of you!" When I start having a desire to eat at a Red Lobster, I'll start being concerned, but Olive garden is just such an experience. Even though their food is frozen and their desserts require assembly if you ask for them to go (they seriously do) Olive Garden just does it for me.
3. Tanning
Why is it that even when I know I look like the above, I just can't stop. Yes I glow in the street, my teeth become reflective, and that I don't live on an island, but the experience is just so relaxing. And who wants to be pasty?
4. Jersey Shore
Aside from enjoying the actual content of the show, these people also manage to remind me why I should abort the previously stated guilty pleasure of tanning, and why I should never wear Ed Hardy. And that sunglasses at night are socially acceptable to wear if you think you look like crap.
5. Animated films
The above are just a few of the Rated-G movies I've seen recently. Yes, I'm way above the age of 10, but look at that little easter bunny? Cutest movie ever. I need to find a little kid to see these things with, then maybe it'll be a bit more socially acceptable.
6. Maps.
I own a globe, 3 different Atlases, used to have a map of the United States, and have a large (and very fabulous) cities of the world book. Oh and in my spare time, I play with maps on And I can name all of the state capitals, along with many of the providences in Canada, and every country in the world. It's not the coolest hobby, but it's a fabulous guilty pleasure.
7. Baby Back Ribs.
They messy. They're manly. They're barbaric. But they are amazing.
Moral of this story: I know many people who like none of the above guilty pleasures and would actually rather have a root canal than spend their time doing any of these (okay maybe not an actual root canal). However, these are the things that keep me going throughout the day. Everyone has their little quirks that they get excited about, or at least they should. So embrace a guilty pleasure. It'll give you a bit more personality and will definitely make your day more fabulous.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A Ray of Sunshine or Just a Dumb Blonde?
The story of my life is proving to people how not dumb I am (yes I realize that is not the most well written sentence). I mean why does every moment of your life have to be so serious. Can't a person just be cheerful and happy and live in their own little bubble? I don't feel the need to tell people what my IQ is (does anyone even know their IQ anymore?). Yeah, sometimes is it easier just to play a role than be 100% accountable for something? Probably. So I thought to myself, if I get so offended then maybe I should portray myself in a different light.
Here are some of the steps I took:
1. My voice is naturally high pitched (I promise it oddly sounds 10x deeper when I hear myself talk). So I decided to begin speaking in a deeper voice. This required much effort, because who the hell talks in a voice that isn't their natural one on a full time basis? Anyway, I have to say my little strategy worked because everything I said people would just nod and say how right I was or how intelligent I was. I still spewed out the same sentences, but with a different tone people saw me in a whole new light.
Conclusion: Clearly I can't just talk with a fake tone all day long. It requires tons of effort and I have to admit is a little weird (I mean am I trying to develop a multiple personality disorder?) However, I did learn that when I'm in a business setting or making a presentation, the deep voice is the way to go. And I have to say, the deep voice kind of boosts some confidence in myself. (And just for the record I have come quite a long way, because in high school during one presentation you were not allowed to say the word like. And let me tell you, I couldn't even form a sentence without saying it).
2. Then I thought okay, well if I making myself sound smart, I should acquire some smart person hobbies. I don't think reading about Britney Spear's latest meltdown or tuning in to Keeping Up with the Kardashians reflected me in a more intelligent light. So I decided to read East of Eden, oh you know just a light read of 700 pages, I do it all the time.
Conclusion: Did I end up enjoying the novel? Yes. Did I feel like I needed to exert my brain that much during my free time? No. Next time should I probably pick a shorter book? Yes. I learned to balance out my free time, throwing in something educational books once and a while, but realizing it does not have to be all the time.
After a few weeks of these shenanigans and some others I'm too embarrassed to mention (let's just say they involved wearing glasses, something about the stock market, and exposing myself in sneakers during a non-workout setting) one day I just looked around and said, Where am I? and Why am I here? I realized everything I was doing was just not me. I enjoy brightening people's day with a smile. I enjoy looking at puppies and thinking of sunshine. I enjoy reading books with happy endings. And then I thought if people roll their eyes at me insinuating how aloof appear, I could just insinuate how badly dressed they appear (you're wearing plaid for the 3rd day in a row? Are we on a farm and do you own a horse?). I am who I am, and I shouldn't acquire a different personality for different people.
Tip of the day: Always be true to yourself, but know there's a time and place to expose different parts of yourself. And don't judge someone else for being themselves, because if you don't accept people for who they are, you'll have no one (even if they're guilty of wearing plaid 3 days in a row).
Here are some of the steps I took:
1. My voice is naturally high pitched (I promise it oddly sounds 10x deeper when I hear myself talk). So I decided to begin speaking in a deeper voice. This required much effort, because who the hell talks in a voice that isn't their natural one on a full time basis? Anyway, I have to say my little strategy worked because everything I said people would just nod and say how right I was or how intelligent I was. I still spewed out the same sentences, but with a different tone people saw me in a whole new light.
Conclusion: Clearly I can't just talk with a fake tone all day long. It requires tons of effort and I have to admit is a little weird (I mean am I trying to develop a multiple personality disorder?) However, I did learn that when I'm in a business setting or making a presentation, the deep voice is the way to go. And I have to say, the deep voice kind of boosts some confidence in myself. (And just for the record I have come quite a long way, because in high school during one presentation you were not allowed to say the word like. And let me tell you, I couldn't even form a sentence without saying it).
2. Then I thought okay, well if I making myself sound smart, I should acquire some smart person hobbies. I don't think reading about Britney Spear's latest meltdown or tuning in to Keeping Up with the Kardashians reflected me in a more intelligent light. So I decided to read East of Eden, oh you know just a light read of 700 pages, I do it all the time.
Conclusion: Did I end up enjoying the novel? Yes. Did I feel like I needed to exert my brain that much during my free time? No. Next time should I probably pick a shorter book? Yes. I learned to balance out my free time, throwing in something educational books once and a while, but realizing it does not have to be all the time.
After a few weeks of these shenanigans and some others I'm too embarrassed to mention (let's just say they involved wearing glasses, something about the stock market, and exposing myself in sneakers during a non-workout setting) one day I just looked around and said, Where am I? and Why am I here? I realized everything I was doing was just not me. I enjoy brightening people's day with a smile. I enjoy looking at puppies and thinking of sunshine. I enjoy reading books with happy endings. And then I thought if people roll their eyes at me insinuating how aloof appear, I could just insinuate how badly dressed they appear (you're wearing plaid for the 3rd day in a row? Are we on a farm and do you own a horse?). I am who I am, and I shouldn't acquire a different personality for different people.
Tip of the day: Always be true to yourself, but know there's a time and place to expose different parts of yourself. And don't judge someone else for being themselves, because if you don't accept people for who they are, you'll have no one (even if they're guilty of wearing plaid 3 days in a row).
Sunday, April 10, 2011
10 Super Simple Ways to Make a Bad Day Less Bad and More Fabulous
These little pick me up tips will work wonders and validate your fabulousness on not so fabulous/more so gross days.
1. Drink all your beverages out of a wine glass (or fine china). Would you expect the royal family of England to be drinking out of a plastic cup or a plastic bottle? Absolutely not, so why should you?
2. Bath vs. shower? Go with the bath, you'll smell better (If you don't have a bathtub find one).
3. Sleep with a string of pearls. I know I know, sounds cheesey. However this little kicker will make you feel a tad more fabulous when you go to bed and wake up. And Sarah Jessica Parker does it in Sex and the City and she's always on her A-game. (Be careful not to choke yourself in your sleep)
4. When in doubt, always paint your nails.
5. Light a candle or multiple candles. You're space will smell good (or at least better).
6. Make a full on 3 course meal. No I don't mean basting and baking a turkey for 8 hours (unless is Thanksgiving). Simple protein and vegetables do not take that long. Neither does a salad or a cookie.
7. Take 5 minutes and visit I need not explain anymore.
8. Do a workout video. I think I did a Barbie one in the early 90s, when I was younger. Who needs to work out when they still play with Barbies? Anyway, they're a nice change once and a while from the normal workout routine.
9. Look at pictures of you and your friends. Unless you're having one of those moments where you think you're ugly, then probably not so good of an idea. (Or it could go the other way and you might look at them and determine that you don't look so bad).
10. In a dire case of a bad day: just eat an amazing brownie and make sure you enjoy it.
1. Drink all your beverages out of a wine glass (or fine china). Would you expect the royal family of England to be drinking out of a plastic cup or a plastic bottle? Absolutely not, so why should you?
2. Bath vs. shower? Go with the bath, you'll smell better (If you don't have a bathtub find one).
3. Sleep with a string of pearls. I know I know, sounds cheesey. However this little kicker will make you feel a tad more fabulous when you go to bed and wake up. And Sarah Jessica Parker does it in Sex and the City and she's always on her A-game. (Be careful not to choke yourself in your sleep)
4. When in doubt, always paint your nails.
5. Light a candle or multiple candles. You're space will smell good (or at least better).
6. Make a full on 3 course meal. No I don't mean basting and baking a turkey for 8 hours (unless is Thanksgiving). Simple protein and vegetables do not take that long. Neither does a salad or a cookie.
7. Take 5 minutes and visit I need not explain anymore.
8. Do a workout video. I think I did a Barbie one in the early 90s, when I was younger. Who needs to work out when they still play with Barbies? Anyway, they're a nice change once and a while from the normal workout routine.
9. Look at pictures of you and your friends. Unless you're having one of those moments where you think you're ugly, then probably not so good of an idea. (Or it could go the other way and you might look at them and determine that you don't look so bad).
10. In a dire case of a bad day: just eat an amazing brownie and make sure you enjoy it.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Guys and Girls Live On the Same Planet in Two Different Worlds
I've come to the conclusion, that despite being unintentional (aside from the pink background, flowers, advice on how to be fabulous, and of course the title) this blog is not exactly man friendly. Why? Because I stick to what I know, and I know NOTHING about men. It's really not even that I know nothing about them, I kind of do, but I just don't get them. It wasn't until a few months ago I learned that men don't own blow dryers. Isn't it a rule of society to own a blow dryer? Even if you're bald? I also learned that men do not watch the Bravo channel or the E! Network, umm I'm sorry but doesn't everyone tune in to the Real Housewives franchise? I was watching ESPN one night (pretty sure it will be my only night) with a group of men, and I was shocked by the commercials. I mean commercials for lawnmowers, sneakers, and protein shakes? I mean I knew the stuff existed but I didn't know they actually had commercials. Wasn't everyone sitting through laundry detergent commercials with the cute little teddy bear? Who wants to watch a commercial about cutting grass? And does anyone even like the color green? Can't we just vote to have pink, purple, and yellow be the only colors in the crayon box?
I very much live in my own little world, that world being a girl's world. I casually asked my two guy friends what they were going to wear out to a party that night, where they gave me a clueless expression, rambling, "Um what I'm wearing right now?" as if I was asking them a trick question. I'm sorry but men don't plan out their outfits days in advance? Now my whole outlook on life has turned upside down. I realized if I was going to get anywhere in life, a.k.a. live amongst male creatures, I'd have to do a little research and maybe make a few changes.
So I went on and asked, is being too girly annoying? The general consensus was, it's not annoying, it's being yourself, and there's nothing wrong with being yourself, but I guess what I didn't understand until now is, just as I don't understand guys, guys don't understand us. I didn't realize that a guy would have no idea what I was talking about when I referred to Chloe, Brit, and Daisy (perfumes not people).
So I thought okay, maybe I should tone the feminineness down a little. What's the most manly thing about myself? I eat ribs. Yep that's pretty much the only manly thing about me. Am I supposed to just have a conversation with a guy for an hour about how I enjoy eating meat off a bone like a barbarian? I can't even say I use normal pens and pencils, mine all have flowers on them (not kidding). And I think the world would be a much happier place if the color Green just did not exist and if everyone was required to keep flowers in their home. Do I watch soccer just to look at David Beckham? Yep. Did I see Inception just to look at Leonardo DiCaprio? Yep. Do I think bugs, dirt, and blood is repulsive? Yes I do.
If a girl understands the race of men, then its safe to assume she's a tomboy, which I don't quite get either, but that's another story. If a guy understands girls, then he's considered to be too feminine.
So how did I decide to become more man friendly might you ask?....
I boycotted romantic comedies and starting watching action movies, horror movies, and extremely disturbing movies. I'm sorry it was just the only thing I could think of that didn't require getting dirty or being grossed out. Am I still clueless about men? Yep. But can I now enjoyably have a conversation with one about Lethal Weapon or Diehard? Oh yes I can. Can I watch Mel Gibson dislocate his shoulder and not be horrified? Yes I can.
Tip of the day: Do something you wouldn't expect yourself to do.
I very much live in my own little world, that world being a girl's world. I casually asked my two guy friends what they were going to wear out to a party that night, where they gave me a clueless expression, rambling, "Um what I'm wearing right now?" as if I was asking them a trick question. I'm sorry but men don't plan out their outfits days in advance? Now my whole outlook on life has turned upside down. I realized if I was going to get anywhere in life, a.k.a. live amongst male creatures, I'd have to do a little research and maybe make a few changes.
So I went on and asked, is being too girly annoying? The general consensus was, it's not annoying, it's being yourself, and there's nothing wrong with being yourself, but I guess what I didn't understand until now is, just as I don't understand guys, guys don't understand us. I didn't realize that a guy would have no idea what I was talking about when I referred to Chloe, Brit, and Daisy (perfumes not people).
So I thought okay, maybe I should tone the feminineness down a little. What's the most manly thing about myself? I eat ribs. Yep that's pretty much the only manly thing about me. Am I supposed to just have a conversation with a guy for an hour about how I enjoy eating meat off a bone like a barbarian? I can't even say I use normal pens and pencils, mine all have flowers on them (not kidding). And I think the world would be a much happier place if the color Green just did not exist and if everyone was required to keep flowers in their home. Do I watch soccer just to look at David Beckham? Yep. Did I see Inception just to look at Leonardo DiCaprio? Yep. Do I think bugs, dirt, and blood is repulsive? Yes I do.
If a girl understands the race of men, then its safe to assume she's a tomboy, which I don't quite get either, but that's another story. If a guy understands girls, then he's considered to be too feminine.
So how did I decide to become more man friendly might you ask?....
I boycotted romantic comedies and starting watching action movies, horror movies, and extremely disturbing movies. I'm sorry it was just the only thing I could think of that didn't require getting dirty or being grossed out. Am I still clueless about men? Yep. But can I now enjoyably have a conversation with one about Lethal Weapon or Diehard? Oh yes I can. Can I watch Mel Gibson dislocate his shoulder and not be horrified? Yes I can.
Tip of the day: Do something you wouldn't expect yourself to do.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Balancing the Scale and the Infamous Number 7
"Rate me on a scale of one to ten!"
I'm sorry but has anyone actually been told that they were ever below a 7? It's the politically correct thing to say. The game should be called rate me on a scale of 7-12, because calling someone a 5 or 6 to their face would be considered cruel. But let's be real, not everyone is a 7. It's the most overused rating and not so lucky number when it comes to this game.
Personally if I had to rate myself, my honest rating would be a 6. There I said it- not kidding, not fishing for compliments.
HOWEVER, if someone else rated me a 6, would I be okay with that? Oh hell to the no! I'd be extremely offended. I may feel like a 6, but I definitely fake my way into pretending like I'm an 8 or 9. That's what being fabulous is all about. Rather than complaining about what you don't like, you just have to own yourself and pretend you're the best thing out there if you don't believe it....and I don't mean in a Jersey Shore Angelina "I'm HOT!" way, because hunny you're not that hot.
I used to get so annoyed when not so 7 status girls rated themselves as a 9. From my eyes I saw a 5, not a 9. Someone once rated me a mid-7 a few years ago, but they were like oh its good because you're an actual 7! So all the other times you told people they were 7's you were lying? And then I realized beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that beholder being oneself. No matter how many people could tell me I'm a 10, I'd still always question it, and on the inside I'd still always feel like a 6. Why is it so important to ask people want they think of you? It's not going to change the way you see yourself. If you think you're a 10, then you should be a 10, act like a 10, and don't let anyone feel like you are less than that 10. I personally think I'm a 6, but me being my fabulous self, I never give anything less than the aura of a 9 (or at least attempt to).
Look at Bill Gates. On an appearance scale of 1-10, I'd give him a 3. On a overall awesomeness scale he'd break that scale and get a whopping 35. Paris Hilton? She'd get an easy 10, but on the personality scale probably about 2.
So the moral of this story is: throw away the scale and trust your own instincts. If you think you're a 10, you probably really are because you've been acting like one. I don't believe I'm a 10, but I sure as hell walk like one (.... and from experience, to my surprise and yours, I've gotten into some pretty exclusive clubs, just throwing that out there...)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Beauty kills the Beast
So I’ve been working on my current project, which is to watch all 100 of AFI’s Top 100 movies of all time (I’m up to 75 what what!) Yep, while everyone else is watching the Notebook or The Hangover, I’m watching A Clockwork Orange or Taxi Driver (both of which were rather disturbing but incredible). I don’t really talk about my old movie fetish for the sole reason that when people ask me what movie I’m watching no one ever has any idea what the hell I’m referring to, unless they’re over the age of 40.
Have I enjoyed all the movies on this list, no. But I’ve enjoyed the majority of them and appreciate them for what they were and when they were made. My most recent choice to watch was King Kong circa 1933. Halfway through I thought to myself, these are the worst special effects I have ever seen and that is the fakest gorilla created. The storyline was pretty good, but I mean it was 1933, there’s only so much they could do to make it believable. It was the final line spoken when the film finally had an impact on me: “It was beauty that killed the beast.”
It made me think why do we all put such an emphasis on our physical appearances. I mean I don’t choose my friends for their appearances, and I would hope they aren’t friends with me because of mine. There’s clearly much more to life than a person’s physical appearance, so why am I so obsessed with mine. I don’t put other people down for superficial things, if anything I lift them up, so why do I put myself down? So maybe being fabulous has nothing to do with how you look on the outside.
A year ago I was having my daily panic attack during finals week at the library. I went to order another extra larger coffee, feeling like my world was over because of the test I had the next day. And the women at the counter, never met me before, never saw me before, knew nothing about me, but she said “I’m not giving you anything until you put a smile on your face.” And you know what? I did smile. I don’t remember what the test was or how I did on it, but I do remember her and what she said, and I always will. One person’s inner beauty can kill the beast in another person.
Does anyone else kind of feel bad for the villain in movies? I have to say I kind of felt bad for the big gorilla in King Kong. I mean all he wanted to do was protect the beauty. Everyone has their own defense mechanisms to get through the day, his just happened to be eating people on the island. Mine is to give dirty looks to passersby when I’m in a bad mood.
So my tip is, no matter what give that person a smile, lend them a dollar, hold the door, or just say thank you…unless they look like they may attack you (or in King Kong’s case eat you) then run far, far away.
About Me and This Blog, and an Intro to Being Fabulous and Tan
Hello all my fabulous future blog readers,
Recently (.....yesterday), I found myself hitting complete rock bottom (wouldn't be the first time, or the second time). I mean I was at a Britney Spear's level of low, minus the shaved head, baseball bat, and traumatic national VMA performance. For my own sanity, and any chance of keeping my social life, I needed some type of outlet. I'm not a talented singer, a painter, musician, athlete, or....well you catch my gist. I'm just average. So I figured I'd create this blog, supplying my hand of one tip each day on a guide of how to be more fabulous and tan, even if you have to fake it every now and then. Some of it is meant to be funny and some of it is meant to be serious, but that's life and I hope at least some of you can relate. I'm going to try really hard not to make it all about me. I mean did anyone read Paris Hilton's Confession's of an Heiress? The whole book was pictures of herself and information about her favorite color and her shoe size. I mean really? ....Well unfortunately, I wasn't blessed to be born as Paris Hilton, but I do know how to be fabulous and tan, or at least fake it a little.
So a little about me and the title of this blog before we begin. My "name" is Leila, well not really it’s actually Jessica as you all know…but since it's a guide to being fabulous why not give myself the fabulous/somewhat exotic name I've always wanted. I "reside" in the middle of nowhere, Toledo, Ohio. Not really either, it’s Newark, Delaware which you all also know. I don't know why Toledo popped into my head. It seemed dull and random. I really know nothing about Toledo, and hope that it's actually in Ohio. I think it is. All I know is you don't hear about fabulous people vacationing for a weekend in Toledo, unless you live near Ohio, then maybe you do, I don't know. Anyway enough about Toledo.
I've had my fair share of struggles the past few years. Struggling through a dull major in college, currently jobless, and solidly single. But I've also had some successes as well, traveling through Europe for 4 months, an amazing group of friends, financially being supported by my parents, and turning the special age of 21 (enough said on that one).
However though it all, I really started to like myself. Became somewhat happy with my appearance, somewhat happy with my personality, more than satisfied with my social life, but one thing was missing. True Love. Just to make myself clear I am neither socially awkward nor do I look like a troll, as despite some of my struggles I am not a psycho. Someone actually recently told me the only reason why he went to class was to see me, somewhat flattering if he would've been somewhat hot, but still... he said it and I'm going with it. I did get rejected from a job at jcrew once, which I'm pretty sure was based on my appearance, and I've since boycotted shopping there (partially because everything I want is over $200), but either way I'm really not that bad looking or weird. I mean they say that you have to love yourself before someone can love you, and that you'll find someone when you're not looking. But I mean I loved myself! ...And I've been "not looking" for 21 years. Clearly I'm just not good at relationships, well non-relationships, but hey I have become good at being the 3rd wheel. Sad but true.
Anyway that's a little about me. Now my guide to being fabulous and tan . Last year I bought a calendar where each day was supposed to give you a tip on becoming a better you. All I got out of it was the fact that I really don't care what rare vegetables can do for your immune system or about different areas of your tongue. Too scientific, too specific. So I'm creating much simpler, and much more fabulous ways to become a better you each and every day.
My first tip of the day ever:
Some days can just become monotomous. Take a different route to work or to class. Walk in the sun with an umbrella. Walk in the rain without an umbrella. People will admire your confidence to hold your head high and own your wet self in the rain. Change up your routine, because you never know who you might meet, what might happen, and how it could make you feel. Oh and throw on some bronzer, because everyone looks good with a tan.
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