Friday, October 25, 2013

The Best Compliment I Ever Received

Does anyone not have a wall they put up?  I would make an educated guess that mostly everyone does.  Why I don’t know, I guess it’s just human nature.  At some period in everyone’s life, they feel somewhat misunderstood.  Well...everyone being those of us living our lives in the 1st world.  Assumptions don’t really apply to the 3rd world.  By the way, is there a second world?

Well one day, I was forced to bare my soul.  Well not in one day.  And not really forced, more like probed into it.  Heavily probed into it.  So reluctantly I eased into it without really realizing it.  And eventually I just put it all out there.  Because at the end of the day, no one is really judging you.  I mean yes, people care or criticize to some extent, but the details of your life probably aren't keeping most people up at night.  

Well after I opened up my entire being, thought processes, perspectives, soul, and so on to someone brilliant, he (or she) told me he thought I was brilliant.

Sure I’ve heard the standard your nice, your smart, your great, you look nice, etc.  But none of those were said after displaying my entire soul to such a genuine and smart person. 

I didn’t need someone to tell me that I'm brilliant.  I just needed to be understood.  I mean don't we all? Well, finally, I did and suddenly, I just didn’t feel the need to prove anything to anyone else.  And years later, I still don’t. 

We’re all brilliant and we're all capable of contributing something to this world.  But how is anyone else supposed to see that unless you share it.  Be bold and just be yourself.  Because personally, I’d prefer to talk to a person as opposed to a wall, because I’m not mentally insane.

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