Thursday, October 3, 2013

Priorities of a Spoiled Brat

Priorities of a Spoiled Brat 
(particularly a blonde one)
(In order of importance)

1.     Sleep.  Most people might be on a 7-9 hour sleep cycle.  I require at least 9-11 hours of sleep.  If I’m not well-rested and then some, what’s the point?  I’d rather be pleasant and productive and be a living member of society for less hours of the day, than miserable and slow moving for more hours of the day.
2.     Looking good.  Am I the only one who feels like I should get a round of applause for getting ready everyday?  Probably.  But seriously it takes a century to shower, style my hair, pick out my outfit, etc, etc. 
3.     Money.  So money can’t actually buy happiness because you can’t really buy an emotion.  But it can buy many things that do make you happy.  Material items, a maid, preferable travel methods, etc.
4.     Boys (also interchangeable with money) Yes sleep is more important to me. 
5.     Living in a beautiful ambiance (hence #3. money for hence a maid).
6.     Giving back to society. Yes i would like to donate a dollar to whatever you're sponsering at Walgreens or your local supermarket.
7.     The occasional adventure to a foreign country. Preferably somewhere warm. In an Americanized resort, where everyone speaks English.
8.        Alcohol.
9.     A nearby small animal.  A fish counts.
10. A tan. 

I’m not serious.  But I’m kind of serious.  Stay strong and stay firm.

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