Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Speed Round: Shedding The Sweetness

So I haven’t written in awhile and was thinking about writing a whole thing on the great mysteries of life.  You know things like, What happens to whales when they die? Did Dr. Suess have a drug problem?  What is the actual point of camping and why do people enjoy it?  But you know I decided that topic may be a little too high brow so I decided to go a different route.  Still high brow but not soooo high brow.   Hence, my entry inspired by the one and only Simba, superstar of the classic movie the Lion King.  A movie that is also by far the saddest Disney movie ever made.  How could they kill Mufasa?  And not only kill him but, but kill him brutally?  And have Simba be right there?  I could cry just thinking about it.  Anyway to the point.......:

The Self-Entitled 
Many people have this subconscious idea that they own you.  For some deranged reason they think you owe them for their simple existence.  Self-entitled much?  Unless you’re Bill Gates- get off of the high horse and walk on the ground like the rest of us common folk because I’m not digging your shit.  If you came into this earth through someone’s vagina then no one owes you. (That was a little vulgar.  Gross.)
But unless you were raised up Simba status in the Lion King with the entire Animal Kingdom bowing down at your beautiful birth into this world, no one owes you anything and no one has the right to make you feel that way….unless! they push you away from a moving train and save your life, that’s the ONLY exception.  I actually do mean that last statement seriously, it could definitely happen one day.

Niceness is a disease, not always a choice

The majority of my days, I let people have their self-entitlement because I don’t want to be the one to kick them off their high horse.  I’m not a kicker, I’m a lifter.  Sweetness is just a part of me. 
 But just because I leaned on you to help me lift myself up, I was still the one who lifted myself up.  I did all the work.  Not much effort is required for just standing there.  Yet somehow people still get this idea that they own you and you owe them.

Being a nice person and having a sweet personality makes you the perfect prey for the self-entitled.  They all prey on you and they all have this amazing ability to contradict one another.

Exhibit A, B,C, D, E, F, G, etc.:  “Youre hair is too light.  Your makeup is too bright. You hair looks better light.  You look depressed.  You seem too happy.  You take fashion too far.  I love your clothes.  You have great handwriting.  I can’t read your handwriting.  You’re doing everything right.  You’re doing everything wrong.  You’re voice is annoying.  Youre voice is cute.   I like you.  I don’t like you.  Hi I love you.  Hi, Fuck you.”

Well fuck you and you and you and you.  And fuck you and you too.  I’m trying to lift you up and you’re pulling me down.  It’s giving me a bit of a headache and frankly I’m not into physical pain and mental distress at all, let alone putting them both in the same sentence. And how do I always get into these ridiculous predicaments time and time again?  Because I wanted to be nice. 

Shed it, Shed it, Shed it 

Well my friends, as a recovering niceness-addict- I suggest for you to shed the sweetness if you’re not getting it in return.

I’m not going to feel guilty for not handing over my soul and happiness to you just because you stuck your head out for me once or twice.  You don’t owe anyone for anything that they choose to do. 
I would hope that people do things for other people because they genuinely want to, not because they want something in return.  If that’s not the case, then shed the sweetness, shed the guilt, and shed the weight.

The more you can shed from yourself, the more potential there is to be gained.    

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