Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Unlikely fears and phobias of NYC blonde

So I have more than a few phobias, some more life debilitating than others, but most of them are pretty common.  I will admit that I do get grossed out more easily and by more things than the average person; however here’s a list a few abnormal phobias I have and I would assume most people would have as well.  The inspiration of such a list is due to the fact that I have too much time on my hands and am losing my mind.  Here we go:

List of fears and phobias related to highly unlikely events:

1. Having the hiccups forever, or really longer than a 60 minute time period
2.  Somehow becoming a Wal-mart employee for life
3.  Having a song stuck in my head forever
4.  Being attacked by a bear
5. One of my eyes falling out
6.  A bug crawling and living inside me
7.  Permanent sunburn
8. Getting crushed by a revolving door
9.  Waiting for a train and it never coming
10. Not getting a seat on a train
11. Being held captive by anyone
12. Being attacked by a ghost or zombie
13. Scary movies coming true
14. Getting appendicitis
15. Getting sucked up by a tornado
16. Being stuck in a hurricane while out to sea
17. Getting trapped in an underground passageway
18. Seeing a ghost or intruder behind me while looking in the mirror
19. Drinking expired milk and becoming violently ill
20. Being abducted by an alien
21. A toy doll coming to life
22. Living in ancient Egypt and having to be a slave
23. Getting lost in space
24. Being stranded on a deserted island
25. Being lost in the woods and then turning into an animal
26. Causing a dinosaur exhibit to collapse

Now I'm going to go throw up because I am so grossed out by all these situations.  A statement that I'm sadly somewhat serious about.

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