Sunday, April 6, 2014

Things (mainly people) That Seriously Annoy Me: Part II

Yep it's been one of those weeks/days/moments again where the world is just seriously starting to piss me off.

Things (mainly people) that seriously annoy me part 2:

1.     Someone who claims they are sick literally every other day.  I can fake myself into think I’m sick too.  It’s also called be crazy.  I think they have medication for being delusional.
2.     Being over the age of 20 and throwing a fit.  One word- brat.
3.     No contact in 3 months and then a random text saying hey as if no time has passed.  Hi were you in a coma for 3 months?
4.     People who are ridiculously full of themselves.  If James Bond can show some humbleness so can you.
5.     A blinding sunset, while driving.  Sometimes I seriously fear permanent eye damage.
6.     Saying hello and getting a grunt in return.  Hi sorry are you deaf or did you lose your manners?  Sorry smiling at you was so detrimental to your day.
7.     People who are really friendly one day.  And then act like they don’t know you at all the next day.  Then repeat the cycle.  Are you bipolar or am I crazy?
8.     Songs played on the radio that I once liked that were overplayed and now make me want to rip my ears out yet for some sad reason I keep listening.
9.     Meeting someone for the first time and them telling you their whole life story as if you care.  Dude I just asked about the weather.
10. People who don’t pick up on social cues.  I stopped listening the second I found that looking at the wall was more interesting.
11. People who work at mall kiosks.  I half feel bad for them and am half disturbed by their attacking marketing techniques. 
12. People who talk on the phone hands free while walking.  Are you talking to me or yourself?  I can’t tell.  Oh wait you’re on the phone? And you’re talking to me at the same time? YOU’RE NOT THAT IMPORTANT.
13. Screaming children.  Sorry?
14. It being totally acceptable for a smoker to take a smoke break but not acceptable for a non-smoker to take a break for being healthy?
15. The existence of bugs.  Bees I get.  Are the other bugs just food for animals? 
16. People who wear regular clothes to the gym.  Or don’t wear sneakers to the gym.  Okay fine if you’re over 70 it’s acceptable.

17. People who still dress like its 2003.  I kind of feel bad but I kind of don’t.

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