Wednesday, April 2, 2014


It’s a beautiful moment when you have that sudden realization that your just better.  Not better than anyone else.  Just better than you thought you were.  Your capable.  You’re great.  You’re beautiful.  You’re everything.  Those moments are rare and those moments are everything.

You beat it.  You beat whatever failures or negativity you thought was coming your way, because you’re still here.  You’re still going.  You’re heart is still beating.

All the bullshit is just noise.  All the closed doors were just favors.  Gifts from the universe leading you into the right doors.   You realize that you’ve been the only one ever doubting yourself.

Theres nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed of or insecure about anymore at this point.  Nothing to wait for.  If you’re living and your living for yourself then what else matters?  What is there to hold you back?

I don’t really remember the good decisions anymore.  I remember the bad ones, that turned out not being so bad when all was done.

Who’s to say you’re not you’re not as great as you think you are? A negative Nancy? Well if you think about it Nancy is a really ugly name and so is negativity.  So shake out the drama queens and drama kings, the Naggers, the Self-entitled Susies, and the one-uppers.  Do whatever the hell you want to do.  If you want to be royalty act like it.

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