Friday, February 7, 2014

Why 'Ferris Bueller’s Day Off' Will Never Be My Reality.

Okay if you haven’t seen Ferris Bueller’s Day off by now there’s seriously something wrong with you.  It’s a classic.  It’s timeless.  It’s not in black and white.  And it’s not deep or hard to follow.  Everyone should like it.  I’ve never met someone who didn’t like it.  But every single time I watch the movie I’m just so enamored with the idea that he literally had the perfect day.  Like yes it's a fictional story I get it, but I’m just so captivated by movies that take place within a single day time span.  I think it's because I’m so incapable of accomplishing so much in one day.  One time I was so proud of myself for showering, styling my hair, painting my nails, making my bed, and eating lunch all before 1pm.  The feeling immediately wore off when my mom told me she cooked a meal, clean the entire house, did laundry, went to the gym, went to the bank, and then some, along with a look of disgust.  Oh I guess that’s what real people have to do.

But I just can't wrap my mind around how this day is just so unrealistic for me to recreate.  You know how you have those goals in life?  Like visit Rome, run a marathon, touch the Pacific Ocean, meet <insert any celebrity>.  Well mine is to relive Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  Reasoning as to why this day will never happen for me:

Well first off I graduated from high school in 2007 so there’s that.  But aside from that technicality….

Okay so I could totally pull off the faking sick to not have to go somewhere (not that I've ever done that).  I mean when you wake up in the morning you kind of look like your sick anyway.  Literally every single time I go anywhere immediately after rolling out of bed- makeup free, hair unbrushed, bags under my eyes- instantaneously the first person I see says “Are you okay?  You look like you're sick”  If wanting to crawl back into your bed is not being ok, then no I’m not okay.  Sadly it’s not. 

But then after faking sick, I would immediately go back to sleep and wake up at 1pm.  Isn’t that the whole point of faking sick? Or the whole point of a snow day? To sleep? Right? Is that just me? And then when you finally do wake up the day is practically over by the time you shower and put yourself together.  I have a sleeping addiction and I’m not proud of it.  Moving on.

He sits poolside with a carafe of iced tea while he calls his neurotic friend.  Immediately after his parents leave.  Um does anyone have any idea of how long it takes to make iced tea with freshly squeezed lemon, pour it in a carafe, grab a glass, cut up some type of pineapple or lemon, position the glass and carafe on a tray and lay out poolside?  And he probably had to put on sunscreen because he’s pale.  It doesn’t sound like too much effort but try it and you’ll find out.

Also I don’t know anyone with a Ferrari.  So that takes off a bit of edge if I were to actually try and recreate the event.

He manages to get his girlfriend excused from school for the day…okay it’s a movie I’ll let that one slide.

So even if I didn’t have a desire to sleep the day away and knew someone with a Ferrari…how could someone possibly do all of that in one day…and not only do all of that but be so energized.  Who has time to dine out to lunch, see a baseball game, visit the stock exchange, go to an art museum, sing on a parade float, and go swimming?  In a single day.  I’d do one of the above then go home and have to take a nap.  And in these days if someone sang on a parade float…they’d get arrested.  And in a city of any kind- there's traffic and physical movement is equivalent to that of a turtle.

Conclusion:  You can get so much done in a single day if you don’t sleep the day away.  Yes there’s probably something physically wrong with morning people but at least they get stuff done.  Now excuse me while I go take a nap or rewatch Ferris Bueller's Day off.

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