Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thirteen Things I Find Extremely Annoying (Written By A Blonde Twenty Something)

It's winter.  I'm cold.  I've gotten less than my standard 9 hours of sleep.  And I'm annoyed.

Thirteen Things That Are Really Annoying Me Right At This Moment:

1. Commercials.  What is this the stone age?
2. When people complain about who may or may not get elected for president and say they're moving to Canada if so and so wins (you're not moving to Canada).
3. When people who were born blonde can't accept that they haven't been a natural blonde since the age of 10.  Or now that you're 20- it's probably not even light brown.  It's brown.  Completely brown.
4. People who judge my lifestyle.  You have a cigarette in one hand and a lottery ticket in the other and  you're questioning me?
5.  People who complain that other people steal their style.  It's not like you designed and sewed the outfit yourself.  Shouldn't you be flattered?
6. Strangers that talk to you like you're their new therapist or best friend using lots of first names you've never heard before.  It's been 5 minutes into our conversation and I already feel like I know too much about Jane a.k.a. your boyfriend's cousin who I'll never meet.
7. Adam Sandler. Shut. Up.
8. People who find Adam Sandler funny.  I am now questioning your sense of humor.  And my own for that matter.
9. Humidity. Why?
10. People who constantly have to reiterate the fact that they're "real."  If you have to think about it, then maybe you're not really that "real."
11. A semi acquaintance who hasn't spoken to you in 12 years suddenly asking you for a favor.  Who are you again?  And the answer is no.  Actually the answer is silence a.k.a still no.
12. People who pretend to be "spacey" to get away with being a horrible human being.  Don't blame being horrible on a horrible memory.
13.  Being purposefully and obviously snubbed from anything.  At least make up a fake excuse so I can feel bad about not sending a gift basket (or my regards…both are interchangeable).

Now that I've released that negative energy building up inside me…I love the world, I love you all, and life is beautiful..unless you fall into #'s 1 thru 13.

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