Monday, February 3, 2014

The Snow Day Where I Got A Louis

So here I am all set to go to work for the day.  I heard some rumblings about precipitation but I wasn’t really paying attention.  We had two big snowstorms already, I tend to live in a cloud, and I think we’re done for the year with extreme weather.  And then I walked out as saw my street completely unplowed.  Okay clearly I’m not going to work and clearly I’m trapped for the day.  Now what.

So I thought, oh perfect opportunity to go to the gym.  Oh wait…I’m trapped in my driveway.  Oh wait I’m completely TRAPPED in my driveway.  I may or may not have a small claustrophobia problem that doesn’t really exist at all, but sometimes I feel like it does.  So really panic set in for no particular reason because I’m not actually claustrophobic and I actually really enjoy lounging around.  But when you have an authentic right to lounge around- it’s just not the same.  I can’t sit still.  Suddenly there’s just way too many options: do I catch up on my Netflix queue, do I dust, do I write a novel? I don’t know and this is too stressful.

So I cleaned.  Well, lets clarify- I don’t actually clean.  Ever.  I just organize.  So I faced the tedious and awful and emotionally heartbreaking and grueling and nauseating experience of cleaning out my closet.  I wouldn’t say I’m a clothes hoarder but I wouldn’t say I’m not a clothes hoarder.  I mean yes I never wear 75% of the clothes I own, but I like having them there as a buffer IN CASE they come back in style...or I lose weight...or I gain weight...or I suddenly figure out a way to wear them differently and then suddenly become really attached.  And then there’s certain items that I bought on vacations, or with my first ever paycheck, or my grandma bought for me, etc.

But today I was like fuck it.  This shit is taking up space, its making my closet look ugly, and I’m sick of being confined to ¼ of my closet with the things I actually do wear and use.  That bunch of stuff I donated during my last purge?  I can’t remember a single item.  If I get rid of all this stuff if gives me a GREAT excuse to buy more stuff.

Normally after getting rid of so much baggage you just feel like your mind is clear and free.  But unfortunately I still have another closet to go through- and have a dresser- but whatever this was the main hurdle so yay for me.  But eh didn’t really feel that accomplished.

But considering this was my mother’s biggest dream to throw large quantities of things away- I thought (yes I not she) I totally deserved something, so she gave me one of her Louis Vuitton purses.  Well, she actually said maybe I could have it, and then I kind of just took it- so that’s basically the same thing? She had previously asked me to sell it and then there was just a random LV dust bag sitting on the other side of her closet- so really I was doing her a favor.  I’ve never really lusted after the bags before but I mean it’s a Louis, if someone’s giving it to me I’m taking it and cherishing it.  (and by the way- it's grammatically still spelled Louis not Louie because it's a French brand so the "s" is silent, and I refuse to be tacky-so adjust the phonetics of the word in your head).

So now as the proud owner of my first Louis Vuitton, I didn’t really feel that much excitement.  I didn’t feel that excited about overcoming my overwhelming anxiety of feeling trapped for the day either, or about cleaning out and donating a huge portion of my closet (hello doing charity work), or about getting an insanely inexpensive purse? What the hell is wrong with me today?

And then I realized- maybe it’s because it’s 3pm, I haven’t showered, am surrounded by piles of laundry, and am wearing a neon yellow oversized T-shirt that says “Ted Is My Thunder Buddy” with a huge image of a teddy bear (seriously).

Which leads me to the moral of this story- it is all about ambiance and don’t let anyone tell you differently.  Sure one might enjoy a hamburger from McDonald’s more than they would at the Ritz Carlton- but would you rather sit in a chair bolted to the floor with a homeless guy sitting outside or sit in a Chateaux with a view of the Eiffel Tower?

Sure when you’re by yourself on a snow day there’s not really a point to getting spruced up or sipping champagne- but you never know when you’re randomly going to get a very expensive purse.  

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