Monday, January 6, 2014

Things I've Really Wanted to Tweet/Post About This Past Week

So I'm trying really hard to be more private/not publish my random thoughts throughout the day due to boredom, frustration, or excitement.

So instead I'm consolidating them all from the past week in this blog post.  Because putting my thoughts on a different forum is progress on being more private.  Enjoy!

1. Know my favorite color, know my soul
2. I can't sleep
3. Mod About Fiji
4. I've officially watched 100 episodes of Lost.  I am so obsessed
5. I really want to go to a legitimate Indian restaurant...although they don't eat meat right?
6. I've been really obsessed with eye color lately
7.  Anyone else get really creeped out by people with grey hair and black eyebrows?
8. I've made so many different to do lists this week, I'm getting both stressed out and confused instead of organized
9. I just spent 30 minutes curling my hair, only for it to be pin straight 10 minutes later.  I don't even have straight hair #hairproblems
10. It's snowing!
11. Eyebrows really make or break a person
12. Josh Holloway from Lost is so hot
13. Hurley <3
14. I thought football only happened on Sundays?
15. The amount of time I spend looking at lipstick colors on the Internet is insane
16. I hate when people are passive aggressive towards you through social media.  Get a life.
17. I need coffee and my own personal barista to follow me around everywhere
18. Ew jury duty.  I feel both annoyed and old
19. Please stop asking me if my hair color is my natural hair color
20. The most productive thing I did all day was shower #truth
21. It's freezing...wahh
22. I can never say the words "voluminous" or "philosophical" out loud without getting tongue-tied and then just failing.

There you have it- my super intellectual and pointless thoughts from the past 7 days.  I'm going to have to start writing these tidbits of info in a journal.

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