So living alone sucks.
Its like 100% awesome for the first 72 hours but then it becomes like
30% awesome and 60% oh my god I’m doing everything I want to do but I’m not
sure if this is how humans were meant to live ever. Living alone comes with so many
questions. Are other people doing this
at home? I can wake up at 3p.m. and no
one cares? Is it acceptable to just eat dinner for breakfast…at 4p.m because
its in the fridge and I could make eggs or something but then I’d have to clean
that up and that’s a little too much effort considering I’ve done nothing all
24 hours in: I have literally not spoken words to anyone for
24 hours. Do I start speaking to myself
just to warm up my vocal cords?
36 hours in: Wait I need to wash this shirt but I don’t feel
like I’ve accumulated enough laundry to do laundry so can I just wear it
dirty? Can I just wash one shirt? Will my washer machine allow that?
36 hours and 15 minutes later: God how does one person
accumulate so much garbage?
3 hours later: If I lose my phone in my own home. There is no
one to call it so I can find it. Oh.
30 minutes later: I guess I’m killing that bug.
Another 30 minutes later: I guess I’m in charge of recycling
72 hours later: What
day is it? This was fun but now I’m not
so much lonely, as much as I’m confused.
I’ve officially missed 90% of the day and it felt really good but it
also felt really wrong. I mean is there
ever a reason to take more than one nap in a day? No.
just no. There's not. But there should be.
2 minutes later: If I don’t leave my house for the next 48
hours, it’s the mailman obligated to say something to someone because I might
be dead?
5 minutes later at the grocery store: I'm not going to use all of those eggs. Not going to drink all of that milk. Not going to eat all of that chicken. I guess i'm just going to buy a head of lettuce, some juice and hope that holds me over.
Another 24 hours later:
Oh hello sales clerk at the pharmacy, you’re my only human interaction
for the day so let’s make this count.
Did I have a long day? I don’t
know its 5p.m I just woke up 2 hours ago, and I feel like I could potentially
go for another nap. Don’t confuse I look
like I had a long work day for I just woke up.
6 hours later: Go to the
liquor store. Liquor man: "Hello. I don’t
have a wife or girlfriend." Me: "Oh?" I'd like to say I’m single and I’m not looking because dear god lets be real here,
but I’m just going to smile, walk away, and go back to the imaginary group of
people I’m buying all of this alcohol for, but actually planning on drinking
5 full days in: Okay I’m starting to feel like a monk. Minus the deep reflection or what ever reason
they don’t speak (they don’t speak right?) And minus the cave. Wait do monks live in caves? Do caves exist outside of sci-fi movies? Actually I think I’m thinking of a mime. Okay I’m like mime without the hand movements
and the circus. Because let’s face it my
life has now become a freak show. Oh
wait no I might be becoming a mute. A
mute. Right? Okay screw it, I feel like
a mime/mute/monk. Obscure facts are not
my thing.
10 days in: Epiphany- OHHH THIS IS WHY PEOPLE GET CATS. Maybe if I just start randomly meowing
throughout the day I’ll no longer be allergic and one will just appear outside
my doorstep. Wait…I’m not desperate enough
for a cat. I’m really not into
10 days in and 30 minutes later: Maybe I’ll just get a koala
and find a tree. Then I’d be that koala
person. And they also sleep for 18 hours
a day so it would work out. I’m sure
they just eat leaves and air. And are
capable of finding their own water source and making their own fire out of
branches if needed. I could just hug
them and move on.
14 day Conclusion:
Roommates might be annoying in theory. But
they’re human interaction. Don’t take it for granted.
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