Saturday, September 13, 2014

24 Things That Do Not Annoy Me…Because I Couldn’t Think of 25

So I’ve written a few posts about things that seriously piss me off.  Well maybe not seriously.  So I decided to take a more positive route this time.  Here we go:

1.     The sound of “Emptying my trash” on my MacBook
2.     Installing updates for my computer, and finally feeling updated.
3.     Ordering a meal and getting a pickle with it. 
4.     Seeing a rainbow in the sky
5.     Finally killing that fly
6.     Getting ANY Jeopardy question right, even if it was worth $100
7.     People walking into stationary objects
8.     Animals yawning
9.     Success always being the greatest revenge
10. Walking into a Wal-Mart and instantly realizing your life is so much better than you thought it was
11. Seeing a bunny on someone’s lawn
12. Realizing you don’t have to set your alarm for the next day
13. Getting through an entire day in heels
14. Seeing that driver who was tailgating you to get out of their way 5 minutes ago, get pulled over 5 minutes later
15. Driving your car, but then having to stop and wait for a family of geese to cross the road.  Doesn’t matter where you’re going, it can wait.
16. Taking 2 different IQ tests- one telling me I’m super smart, one telling me I’m kind of smart.  Then just realizing, at this point, unless you’re finding a cure for cancer- who really cares how smart you are?
17. The rewarding feeling of hearing the title of a movie, preferably obscure, said by one of the characters, in the middle of the movie. 
18. Worrying about the future not being great.  But then realizing the present isn’t that great.  So you really have nothing new to worry about.  And instantly your anxiety is gone.
19. When someone tries to tell you a story, but then can’t stop laughing to tell it.  And then when they finally do tell it, it’s really not that funny.  But you laugh anyway.
20. Venting to someone about having a bad day, and them responding with anything but, “Aw I’m sorry, that sucks.” 
21. Being totally creeped out by the random names or nouns, such as “Family” printed on coke bottles, but then actually getting your own name, and feeling kind of special.
22. Throwbacks on the Radio
23. A rainy day, on your day off, giving you an acceptable excuse for sleeping in. 

24. Other people’s random dogs on the street running up to you to pet them because they’re cute and they know it.

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