So it’s been a little hot
lately. I don’t do well with heat. And by heat, I really mean anything over 70
degrees. I was just not made for hot
weather. I don’t quite get it. I mean how do people in India survive? Actually how do people in Florida
survive? I’m perfectly tanned, in shorts
and a t-shirt, and I look like I’m about to melt. And I look over and see someone in jeans and
a sweater looking like they could use a jacket.
I just don’t get it. People must
think I’m on drugs, and that going through withdrawal or something. No I just get really hot.
So a few days ago, it hit, I don’t
know 90 going on 110 degrees. I laid on
the floor, with a fan against my chest, blowing what felt like hot air onto my
entire body. I was too hot to move, too hot to think, too hot to speak, too hot
to function.
Normally when in a less than spectacular situation,
self-medication is on its way. Buts it’s
too hot for any of that. My pillows feel
hot. The air feels hot. My bottle of water feels hot. I really just don’t understand how they
survived before air conditioning.
So naturally
I took the next step, and I started googling symptoms of a heat stroke. I took my temperature and it was almost 99
degrees, and that’s almost 100 degrees, which is almost a fever. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to believe
that I needed to be hooked up to some type of IV, even Wed MD implied I was
overreacting. When Web MD tells you it’s
not a big deal, that’s a serious sign to calm down.
It can be argued that more crime
occurs in the summertime. I can
completely see that. The heat transforms
me into a monster and I’m relatively easy-going, I can only imagine what it
does for someone who is a normal member of society.
So to prevent any additional
malicious behavior, I simply embraced the heat.
I just let it go. Let me be
hot. Let me just sweat it out and accept
it. And like clockwork- the heat wave
ended. Go figure. However, I now have a full stash of frozen
items that I’ll be ready lay onto my entire body when next heat wave hits. Moral of the story: Always be prepared.
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