Tuesday, June 11, 2013


In difficult situations we can either hold it together or we can fall apart.  Someone once asked me, if I preferred the highs of life or if preferred the lows of life.  I was stunned.  Because I actually I had to think about it for a moment.  Of course I preferred the highs of life, but did I?  It’s so easy to feel sorry for yourself, it can become somewhat soothing after awhile.  50 years from now, will this bad day matter?  Will what I’m stressing out over, even be relevant in my life?  No, it really won’t.  What will matter is whether or not you kept your character throughout.    

Let go of what you can’t change.  Stop making excuses for other people or things that are out of your control.  Sometimes you have to pick and choose who is worth giving your empathy to and who is worth forgetting.

Moral of the day: Keep calm and carry on.  

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