Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Dream of Teeth and its Infamy

So I had a dream last night, a dream related to teeth.  Now anyone who’s anyone, who knows anything about dreams, know that teeth dreams are the ultimate bearer of bad news.  Not that I’m keeping a spreadsheet, but pretty much every single time I’ve had a tooth dream something bad has happened.  The level of horribleness varies from tooth dream to tooth dream, but something horrible does always happen. 

So as I go about my day, I’m just waiting for it.  What is this awful thing that is going to happen.  I carefully back out of my driveway avoiding any type of fender bender.  Go the speed limit.  Walk carefully.  Smile at everyone.  Oh there’s a dog maybe it’ll bite me.  Nope.  Go to the gym- maybe I’ll twist an ankle or something.  Nope.  Shower- maybe I’ll slip or have a really bad hair day.  Nope and nope. 

Time goes by and nothing has happened.  Nothing good, nothing bad, nothing out of the ordinary.  I’ve kind of forgotten about it by this point and kind of think wow I’m beyond paranoid.  But I mean there’s all these dream meanings and dream dictionaries- I can’t be wrong.  Then I get an automated text message from my dentist reminding me about a dentist appointment- which I need to reschedule.  And the mystery is solved.

Moral of this story:  Don’t worry about what hasn’t happened yet.  Because it may never happen.

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