Friday, November 22, 2013

Evolution is a Hard Word to Spell

So I was going to repost one of my old blog posts, and then I read through them and was like ehh I've moved on.  It's like looking at an old yearbook...cute but glad its over.  I find that if something ends, even if you didn't want it to, - it's a sign its time to move on and get with the times.  I mean if you're not willing to evolve it's a sign you're stuck in your ways and your old.  Or getting old.  Not to be confused with being stubborn, which frankly I don't think is a bad quality to have.  It's like look at those people who thought the Internet was stupid or unnecessary, or people who didn't need or want a cell phone because they would just rather communicate by a traveling messenger like they did in the year 700 because why fix something that isn't broken?  And let's not get started on people who were for or against the T.V.

Why is turning something that's good into something that's great so hard for people to understand?

I remember when I was 15 or 16 I desperately wanted a Gucci purse and had dreams of which one I would buy.  Well have my parents buy because let's be real, even if I did actually work (which I didn't), how could I possibly afford a Gucci purse?  Well it's great I never bought it because now I would not be caught dead being a cheesey walking billboard for Gucci with that print.  It's like 2 grand to simply make a statement- My purse is Gucci, it cost $1900, and I'm now eating canned soup everyday because I sold my soul to buy it.  Whatever I would have picked out then and would swear I would use forever, I would probably hate now and be attempting to sell it on eBay.

I also remember desperately wanting to go on this 5 week Study Abroad session in South America.  On a cruise ship.  Learning about cruises.  I was completely willing to take out loans and had dreams of instantly joining the work force after I graduated to pay them back.  Well thank god that didn't happen because I didn't join the workforce, I went back to school for something actually meaningful to my life, and took out loans to finance that.  Would I still take a vacation to South America?  Yes, but it doesn't have to cost 10 grand and last for 5 weeks, and most importantly does not have to involve education or occur on a cruise.  I'd rather not pay to sleep in a floating room the size of a jail cell.

I also remember being addicted to a lipstick color.  If I could have dyed my lips that color I would have been in heaven.  Then it got discontinued and I cried.  And now I look back at pictures of myself and I'm like thank god that got discontinued because it looked horrible.

And then it goes beyond material items and applies to people.  You don't want to move somewhere or start something or you're upset something didn't work out or you don't want to leave the people you know.  Then 5 years later you meet better people and are like what the hell was I thinking?  Thank god for Fate because my judgement was way off.

The point is- don't be afraid to evolve into something better.  Look back with nostalgia but be happy you're moving forward.  If something disappears unexpectedly, take it as Fate doing you a serious favor.

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