Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fake Adventures in the Arctic

This weather, this state of mind, this place makes me want to escape to some type of foreign land.  It’s a physically infeasible trip for various reasons but it’s only a quick mental trip away. Well you have to do research before you fantasize about living another life.  Hmm what the hell, why not Greenland?  It’s a huge rock on a map that we all try and just forget about.

Greenland.  What’s that about?  Who’s a noteworthy person from Greenland?  Um, there’s no one?  Um ok.  Films made or set in Greenland?  The first and only one was made 2 years ago.  Ok that’s progress. 

Well, what do native Greenlanders actually look like?  I began watching YouTube videos in awe, as if Greenlanders were some type of alien creatures living in an arctic planet.  I became possessed reading interviews and looking at photos, until finally I snapped out of it, and realized they’re just human beings with heavier coats who speak Danish, and eat seal (poor seals).  It’s not that exotic.

The lesser-traveled places have always interested me.  I’m always looking for that hidden gem in the world that no one else has found yet.  Well Greenland isn’t a hidden gem, at least from my perspective anyway.  Not many people live there, not many people go there, and there’s a reason why.  I could paint a clearer picture that back up my reasoning, but really who cares?

They just got their first indoor swimming pool a few years ago.  And by they, I’m referring to the entire country.  And by swimming pool, I mean a singular pool.  I don’t know if that’s an interesting fact or just a sad one.

I don’t know what’s worse, the color green or having to live in Greenland.  Camping or Greenland?  I might choose camping (Sidenote: if you camp in Greenland, there's a good chance you might die).  Looking like a monster in New York or being a goddess in Greenland?  I’d go for being a monster.  Marry Richard Simmons?  I’d take one for the team.  Ok maybe not. 

Things are difficult here.  Things are difficult in Greenland.  Everything is relative.  We can’t escape uncontrollable factors.  Make the best of what you have wherever it may be.  At the end of the day, life is just a state of mind.    

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