Saturday, April 27, 2013

Positive Energy

Hello.  It’s been awhile.  I’ve been a little preoccupied coming up with ways to ignore all the complications and changes of my life.  At one point you just get burnt dry, need to step away, evolve, and look for new inspiration.

So here we are again.  I’ve been trying not to buy anything lately.  Well actually I can’t buy anything lately.  But on a whim I bought a bracelet.  The Star of Venus.  It’s not particularly great looking.  It kind of reminds me of people of the night, holding séances in a forest, praying for the head of all witches to come appear to them and take over the world.  But I bought it because it represents energy filled with: Beauty, Love, and Inspiration.  Three favorite values or virtues of mind.  I really have to research what qualifies as a virtue.  Value, virtue? tomato, tomoto?  Anyway, of course the bracelet is worth nothing if you just put it on and magically think someone is going to appear about of nowhere and make all your dreams come true.  Particularly if you’re expecting to get married tomorrow, write some type of inspirational book that changes the lives of everyone in the world, and transform into a supermodel. 

But every day I’ve been wearing it and I think of those three things and look for them in the world and in myself.

And after a few days what do you know?  My mind has been refreshed and re-inspired.  My head is clear and I now can see everything in a different light from a different perspective.  And overall I just feel a different aura of energy.  An inner glow on some sort returned, and I just want to spread beauty into the world.

On a complete side note, I recently saw some photos of myself from a few months ago and was completely horrified.  Sure everyone else thought I looked the same.  But I saw it.  I was smiling but there was really nothing behind it.  Physically, mentally, emotionally I looked like a complete mess.  I’ve looked better leaving the gym than I did in those photos.  Actually I’ve looked better on those candid rollercoaster photos they take of you at amusement parks.  I’ve looked better in a passport photo.  I’d probably look better in a mug shot if I ever had to take one.  I wonder why they call them mug shots?  Note- another thing I have to look up- where did the term mug shot come from.

Anyway enough about my vain misery.  Despite the complete disaster that is my life-okay it’s not an actual disaster and its not actually that bad, it’s just a confusing period that everyone in their postgrad life experiences.  Well I hope everyone else experiences.  I mean the world shits on everyone at one point.  (Ew I can’t believe I just expressed myself so vulgarly).  But yes everyone experiences a little bit of uncertainty at one point or at another or a couple points or another.  But anyway I really have never felt better.  My head has never been clearer.  It’s amazing what positive energy can do.  Sure it’s just a silly bracelet, but I think I bought it at just the right time.

So I encourage everyone to breathe in positive thoughts and let out positive energy.  The virtues you need or want in your life exist in the world, you just have to embrace them in the way in which the world gives them you. 

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