Sunday, November 4, 2012

First World Problems

This is me: Locked in my attic.  Freezing cold.  With nothing to keep warm but a fur cape, terrycloth turban, slippers, and pink latex dishwashing gloves.  Okay thats actually Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation, but I feel just as ridiculous and twice as cold.  A numb body from head to toe forces you into a mindset of self-reflection.

I really shouldn't feel sorry for myself.  But frankly I feel sorry for myself even when I do have heat.  And television.  And hot water.   So tonight is the perfect night for self-pity.  Let's have at it.

Problems of someone living in the first world (or just me):

Number one.  I'm cold.

Two.  I have a cough.  

Three. I had to throw away $30 of perishable goods.

Four.  I just spilled diet coke on myself.

Five.  Chipped a nail.

Six.  Have to take a cab everywhere.

Seven.  I have to wake up for work tomorrow at 1p.m.  

Eight.  My internet is suddenly so slow.  It's cutting into my streaming of free television

Nine.  I bought the wrong copy of Mad Men Season 5, and now I have to go to Best Buy to return it.

Ten.  My TV doesn't work, so I have to watch the newest episode of Homeland tomorrow instead of tonight.

Eleven.  4 missed calls.  Stop calling, please just text and wait for me to call you, when I wake up from my 2nd nap of the day.

Twelve.  I can't decide if I'm hungry or full.

Thirteen.  There's a fly in my bathroom that I'm having trouble killing.

Fourteen.  I'm really sick of Adele.  Which is a shame because she's really talented.

Fifteen.  Depression seems to be following me these days.  But then I hear that Usher song and just realize I need a new playlist on my iPod.  But making a new playlist takes too much effort.

Sixteen.  I think I lost my favorite sock doing laundry.

Seventeen.  I just got the iPhone 4S and now there's a 5.  Will I ever be up to date with technology?

Eighteen.  Snooki is rich.

Nineteen.  I have to do laundry.

Twenty.  It smells like garbage on the block next to me.

Twenty-One.  Simba's dad dies in the Lion King and it makes me sad.  

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