Monday, June 20, 2011

Birthday Bliss

Well today was my special day-my 22nd birthday, the big 2-2.  I have to admit my expectations weren't super high for this one.  I mean graduation has occurred, all my friends are dispersed literally throughout the world.  The spectacular and extravagant 21 was last year, and I mean you're 22nd birthday can't really compare to the excitement of that.  Then there's your 18th birthday when you're finally a technical adult (ha! I feel like the cutoff line for adulthood needs to be changed to 24).  And then there was 17, when I got my license.  And of course sweet 16 (why don't boys have sweet 16s?).  And all my grammar school birthday parties that took place at the best places ever for a kid, and I received the best barbies ever.  But my barbie days are over, and really at 22 what is there to do? I've done it all.  And I've finally come to the realization that the entire world is not going to stop and praise and cater to me because its my birthday.  The paparazzi is not going to stalk me all day and take my photo....

So I thought, okay well what should I do today?  Birthdays, holidays, etc, can turn out to be a big dud if you hold your expectations too high.  I mean if you're birthday is on a Monday, chances are if you go out to eat, the restaurant is going to be completely empty, and no offense, but am I the only one who feels like thats completely creepy?  Not to mention lonely and un-special.  I would much rather spend $20 on dinner at the Olive Garden than a fancy restaurant for a $40 meal on a Monday night with the only other people in the restaurant being an elderly couple or a loner at the bar.

And then there's the cake, which I mean unless its a home-made cake with love or if you have a serious cake obsession, a bakery bought cake can be pretty dull.  And how many pieces of cake can you eat?  Save the $30, the 5 slices of cake I feel obligated to eat for the remainder of the week, and just buy me a cookie and a bottle of champagne.

And what do I do at night or during the day? Throw a huge party that I spend the entire day stressing and preparing for?  Wake up with a hangover or something broken and the massive task of cleaning? Been there done that.

Well the day came and went, and I have to say it was one of my best birthday's to date.  Why?  Because I spent the entire day with my beary best friend, my teddy bear Puffy.  Ha okay just kidding!  That'd be both weird, pathetic, and I probably a bit creepy, however he did participate in my afternoon nap.  But was because I didn't put too much pressure on it.  Everyone says "Today is your day" and I thought you know?  Today is my day.  I'm another year older, and another year wiser.

So I woke up, and put on a fabulous purple skirt, orange tank, and lace blazer combo.  On a normal day, I'd get the annoying, "oh wow you're so dressed up just to go here, "  "Why are you wearing that just to do this?"  "Did you just dress up for me?" "Where do you think you're going?"  But today I was like you know what, it's my birthday and I can wear whatever the hell I want.  And no I don't think I'll be walking down the red carpet, going on a date with Derek Jeter, and sorry no I did not dress up just for you.  I like wearing nice outfits.  And I don't care if there's no one to impress but I like wearing makeup.  I'm the one who has to spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with myself, so sorry if I get satisfaction out of looking nice.  Some feel great wearing sweats, and that's great for them but sorry I just feel some sort of depression.

Then instead of splurging on an expensive meal or expensive get together or receiving a plethora of mediocre gifts, I took myself to the spa and got a facial.  I'm sorry is there really a better place to pamper yourself than the spa? I think not.  And my massage therapist politely informed me that, birthdays only get better, because she is loving her 30s and she loved her 20s.

Then I sat outside overlooking a beautiful park while I dined at an authentic French restaurant and sipped on a quite amazing cocktail.  (Oh and by I, I mean myself and my mom: I am not a loner).  Then I strolled around, did some window shopping and headed home.

Then I did another one of my favorite activities-I treated myself to a great nap.  Why some people don't nap, I'll never understand.  After I went to a restaurant I like to frequent, and for dessert, I skipped the cake and treated myself to a Cinnabon, yes a CINNABON.  And it was way more enjoyable than any slice of cake I've ever had, and was still special because I'm sorry unless you're morbidly obese, most people don't eat Cinnabons frequently in there daily diets.  Yes one is about 800 calories, but its my birthday so who really cares?

Finally I ended the night with a bubble bath, some lavender candles, and an episode of Real Housewives.  And I realized, today I got to do all my favorite things.

Tip--Your Birthday is a day for you to enjoy, so do what makes you happy.  Everyone's lives aren't going to stop to throw you a surprise party or set off fireworks or roll out a red carpet.  Don't over plan it, and just do your favorite things.

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