Monday, May 23, 2011

Little Things are Unforgettable

I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing to place so much emphasis on the small things someone does or remembers.  But I just can't help the fact that the little things someone does just seems so much more important to me than grandeur actions.

Yes you just said I looked ridiculous in my outfit or that I should get a reality check, but you opened the door for me a week ago, that was so nice.  You just made fun of a passerby (did I just say passerby?), you act like you're above everyone, but you told me I had a nice smile.  Everyone is annoyed at me, everyone thinks I'm clueless at this, but you told me I did a good job.  You just told me I was out of your league in random conversation, um I'm sorry but do I even qualify to be in a league?

Why are the little things just so unforgettable to me?  I feel like the big picture should probably have more emphasis in someone's life, but I guess I just live moment by moment, minute by minute.  I don't know if impulsiveness is a fabulous quality to have or not, or if looking on the bright side is better than looking on the realistic side.  But I do know that being yourself if is the best you can do when you're unsure of something.  Therefore, thank you for buying me that beverage, thanks for holding the door, thanks for waiting for me, thanks for walking me home.  It means so much more than the sweater I just got or the paycheck I just received.

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