There have been so many times where I come up with an idea
in the moment to write or blog about something, make a note of it, and then try
to write about it later. But it never
works. Sure I could spew out a few
paragraphs or thoughts about it. But it’s
not really from the heart the any longer.
I’ve already embraced it and moved on…like a week ago. Why bother writing about it? It’s not like I’m writing an autobiography
about that time I lived in a cave in India.
My life consists mainly of movies and headbands and maybe the occasional
inspirational quote that I read that day.
I think the reason why I don’t really do a good job with
writing about something that happened to me a day or two ago, is because recent
memories are best left alone. Well not completely
left alone- I mean yes please talk about your horrendous visit to the dentist
last week to everybody and anybody who wants to listen. But don’t force yourself to find an answer
about why this event happened to you.
You can’t appreciate its actual value so soon after its expired.
Every now and then I revisit photo albums or mementos. Not planning on it this time I ended up doing
just that. I’m not huge on looking at
photo albums or really anything sentimental to be honest. But I’ve been trying to get organized/get my
life in order recently to make my current living space livable. Under my bed I have about 8 different boxes, well not about there are actually legitimately 8 boxes, filled with countless amounts of mementos throughout the years- photos,
birthday cards, diplomas, concert stubs, and so on. I thought okay let me organize all this-
moment by moment, year by year, consolidate the boxes, label shit, throw out
what’s not essential and what really didn’t need to be saved or
remembered. Some photos I was like wow I
never realized how good-looking I was at the age of 14. Some photos I was like wow I never realized
how bad looking I was at the age of 14.
Okay did I really need to save an essay I wrote in 7th
grade? Why is this photo not protected
in its corresponding photo album? Why do
I have a $2 bill? Shouldn’t I be
displaying this pottery I made? Do I
need every single report card? I guess I really didn’t do that well on my SATs.
Should I burn these photos of me with
braces? Wow I should really consider
cutting my hair short again.
I finally just came to the conclusion- memories aren’t really made to be organized or disposed of. When I sit back and think what have I really done with my life, do I have to look for the answer in a labeled chart perfectly defined that's completely organized and sterile? Would I even want to? Unless you covered in clown
makeup, wearing an inappropriate or ill-fitting outfit-I wouldn’t worry about
your current state of affairs. There are
some things you just can’t make sense of.
And now that I'm thinking about it, this blog post makes me think it's comparable to that ridiculously lame and overused quote: Sing like no one is listening, LOVE LIKE YOU'VE NEVER BEEN HURT, blah blah blah, I'm seriously going to drown myself in vodka, and rethink my blog posts from here on out. Oh my god. I am now horrified.